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Chapter 9 Introduction to Latin America. Key Concepts Historical Overview Conquistador Cultural Convergence Caudillo Physical Characteristics Pampas Cay.

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1 Chapter 9 Introduction to Latin America

2 Key Concepts Historical Overview Conquistador Cultural Convergence Caudillo Physical Characteristics Pampas Cay Coral

3 Historical Overview The first people in the Americas to settle and form complex societies were the Mayans and Aztecs in Mexico, and the Incas of S. America; both of whom were skilled farmers. Conquistadors came from Europe to take over much of S. America, bringing with slaves and new culture to converge with the natives In the late 1700s and Early 1800s many Latin American leaders fought and succeeded for their independence from any form of European rule After independence Latin American experienced many problems because of their dependence on Europe for trade/money and b/c local military leaders (Caudillo’s favored upper class) Latin America struggled to find a political identity throughout the 1900s, going through various rebellions, land and constitutional reforms, and communist dictatorships Latin America reached for substantial economic gains through policies adopted by various governments that reduced dependence on single crops, promoted modern technology and industry, and eased debt

4 Physical Characteristics Andes Mountains Highest mountains of Latin America W/ other mtns. Runs the length of Latin America Amazon Lowlands Amazon river basin Pampas Physical Processes Helped form Cays: islands from coral Andes Mtns. Earthquakes/Volcanoes occur where tectonic plates meet.

5 Conquistador Name for the Spanish explorers who claimed land in the Americas for Spain Pizarro here Conquered the Incan Empire

6 Pampas A low Grasslands region in Argentina and Uruguay.

7 Cay A small, low island or coral reef

8 Coral Rock-like skeletons of tiny sea- animals

9 Cultural Convergence The contact and interaction of one culture with another

10 Caudillo A Latin American military dictator Juan Manual De Rosas was caudillo of Argentina

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