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Welcome to our competition: Around countries and continents.

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2 Welcome to our competition: Around countries and continents.


4 №Номинация Количество баллов 1Geography10203040506070 2Flags10203040506070 3 Great Britain 10203040506070 4 The USA 10203040506070 5Australia10203040506070

5 Geography (10) How many oceans are there on our planet? How many oceans are there on our planet?

6 Geography (20) On what continent is the USA situated? On what continent is the USA situated?

7 Geography (30) On what continent is Australia situated? On what continent is Australia situated?

8 Geography (40) On what continent is Congo situated? On what continent is Congo situated?

9 Geography (50) Where do penguins live? Where do penguins live?

10 Geography (60) What is the capital of China? What is the capital of China?

11 Права человека (70 баллов) What is the highest mountain? What is the highest mountain?

12 Flags (10 ) ?

13 Flags(20 баллов) ?

14 Flags (30 баллов) ?

15 Flags (40 баллов) ?

16 Flags (50 баллов) ?

17 Flags (60 баллов) ?

18 Flags (70 баллов) ?

19 Great Britain (10 баллов) What islands is Great Britain situated on? What islands is Great Britain situated on?

20 Great Britain (20 баллов) Who is the head of the Uk? Who is the head of the Uk?

21 Great Britain (30 баллов) What is the name for the British flag? What is the name for the British flag?

22 Great Britain (40 баллов) What is the official name of Britain? What is the official name of Britain?

23 Great Britain (50 баллов) Who founded London? Who founded London?

24 Great Britain (60 баллов) Where does the Queen live? Where does the Queen live?

25 Great Britain (70 баллов) What is MP? What is MP?

26 The USA (10 баллов) On what continent is the USA situated? On what continent is the USA situated?

27 The USA (20 баллов) How many states are there in the USA? How many states are there in the USA?

28 The USA (30 баллов) What is the capital of the USA? What is the capital of the USA?

29 The USA (40 баллов) What is the name for the USA flag? What is the name for the USA flag?

30 The USA (50 баллов) What national holiday is celebrated in the USA in November? What national holiday is celebrated in the USA in November?

31 The USA (60 баллов) Who discovered America? When was it? Who discovered America? When was it?

32 The USA (70 баллов) Whose name does America have? Whose name does America have?

33 Australia (10 баллов) In what hemisphere is Australia situated? In what hemisphere is Australia situated?

34 Словарь прав человека (20 баллов) What is the capital of Australia? What is the capital of Australia?

35 Australia (30 баллов) What are winter months in Australia? What are winter months in Australia?

36 Australia (40 баллов) Who was the first European to land in Australia? Who was the first European to land in Australia?

37 Australia (50 баллов) Name a famous Australian actress. Name a famous Australian actress.

38 Australia (60 баллов) Name a famous Australian singer (it is a lady). Name a famous Australian singer (it is a lady).

39 Australia (70 баллов) What is unofficial name for Australia? What is unofficial name for Australia?

40 Ответ There are four oceans on our planet. There are four oceans on our planet.

41 Ответ On the North American continent. On the North American continent.

42 Ответ On the continent of Australia. On the continent of Australia.

43 Ответ On the African continent. On the African continent.

44 Ответ In the Antarctic. In the Antarctic.

45 Ответ Bejing. Bejing.

46 Ответ Everest. Everest.

47 Ответ The Ukraine The Ukraine

48 Ответ Sweden Sweden

49 Ответ France France

50 Ответ Japan Japan

51 Ответ Serbia Serbia

52 Ответ Israel Israel

53 Ответ The UN The UN

54 Ответ The British Isles The British Isles

55 Ответ The Queen The Queen

56 Ответ The Union Jack The Union Jack

57 Ответ The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

58 Ответ Julius Caesar and the Romans Julius Caesar and the Romans

59 Ответ Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace

60 Ответ Member of Parliament Member of Parliament

61 Ответ The North American continent The North American continent

62 Ответ 50 50

63 Ответ Washington Washington

64 Ответ The Stars and Stripes The Stars and Stripes

65 Ответ Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day

66 Ответ Christopher Columbus, 1492 Christopher Columbus, 1492

67 Ответ Amerigo Vespucci Amerigo Vespucci

68 Ответ The Southern Hemisphere The Southern Hemisphere

69 Ответ Canberra Canberra

70 Ответ June, July and August June, July and August

71 Ответ James Cook James Cook

72 Ответ Nicole Kidman Nicole Kidman

73 Ответ Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue

74 Ответ The upside-down world; The upside-down world; The Sprawling Pancake The Sprawling Pancake

75 Congratulations to the winners! Congratulations to the winners!

76 Wish you good luck

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