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Intervals and Interval Notation

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1 Intervals and Interval Notation
Algebra II Intervals and Interval Notation

2 Intervals The set of all numbers between two endpoints is called an interval. An interval may be described either by an inequality, by interval notation, or by a straight line graph. An interval may be: Bounded: Open - does not include the endpoints Closed - does include the endpoints Half-Open - includes one endpoint Unbounded: one or both endpoints are infinity

3 Graphing Intervals Set A with endpoints 1 and 3, neither endpoint included 1------3 Set B with endpoints 6 and 10, not including 10 6  10 Set C with endpoints 20 and 25, including both endpoints 20------25 Set D with endpoints 28 and infinity, not including 28 28 ------ Set E with endpoints 28 and infinity, including 28 28 ------

4 Inequality Examples: Set A with endpoints 1 and 3, neither endpoint included 1 < x < 3 Set B with endpoints 6 and 10, not including 10 6 x < 10 Set C with endpoints 20 and 25, including both endpoints x Set D with endpoints 28 and infinity, not including 28 28 < x < Set E with endpoints 28 and infinity, including 28 x <

5 Interval Notation A parenthesis ( ) shows an open (not included) endpoint A bracket [ ] shows a closed [included] endpoint Examples: Set A with endpoints 1 and 3, neither endpoint included (1,3) Set B with endpoints 6 and 10, not including [6,10) Set C with endpoints 20 and 25, including both endpoints [20,25] Set D with endpoints 28 and infinity, not including (28, )

6 Interval Notation A union U combines sets Example:
Sets A + B + C + D is written as (1,3) U [6,10) U [20,25] U (28, )

7 Inequality, Interval Notation, and Corresponding Graph
An interval may include: Neither endpoint – Open Interval Example: all numbers between six and ten, but not 6 nor 10 6 < x < 10 or (6,10) or 6------10 One endpoint – Half-open Interval Example: all numbers between six and ten, but not 6 6 < x or (6,10] or 6-----10 Both endpoints – Closed Interval Example: all numbers between six and ten, including 6 and 10 6 x or [6,10] or 6------10

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