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 Continue on with All the Right Type (ART) for 5 minutes today.

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1  Continue on with All the Right Type (ART) for 5 minutes today

2 Marketing: Advertising Traditional Print Ads: Newspapers


4  Signature  Headline  Illustration  Copy

5  Generate Revenue It is the combination of an advertisement’s headline, illustration, copy and signature that makes it successful  Get Attention  Give Information  Motivate a Purchase

6  On a piece of paper, I want you to make some notes about its headline, illustration, copy and signature. Then write down a couple of sentences about why you chose it (good or bad).  Take a newspaper (one at a time) and look for some advertisements. Find some good and bad ones.  Pick out 3 or 4 advertisements that stand out to you (funny, silly, dumb, attractive, etc.) and cut them out.

7  Get attention  Give information  Motivate a purchase  Generate sales  In groups of two I want you to take turns talking about your advertisements.  Each person will introduce their ad and receive comments from the other person about their ad.  The point is to better understand other peoples opinions on advertising and how we can better…

8  Generate sales  Continue to work on your flyer assignment  Use the ideas from today’s lesson to improve your flyer and better be able to…  Get attention  Give information  Motivate a purchase

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