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Add and Edit Patients. When you see a Red circle or a next button, like this, that means we want you to click on something. These are the same steps you’ll.

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Presentation on theme: "Add and Edit Patients. When you see a Red circle or a next button, like this, that means we want you to click on something. These are the same steps you’ll."— Presentation transcript:

1 Add and Edit Patients

2 When you see a Red circle or a next button, like this, that means we want you to click on something. These are the same steps you’ll take when you’re working with your patients. For now, let’s go ahead and click “Next”. Welcome to ABPathfinder! I’m Abbie, and I’ll be leading you through how to add and edit patients today. Next There is just one thing before we get started. Throughout this guide, I’ll ask for your help.

3 To create or edit a patient record, you must have the role of “admin” assigned to the account you’re using to login. If you don’t have this permission, you will need to contact your system administrator. Start by clicking on the “Administer” button and select “People”.

4 Under “People”, select “Patients”.

5 To add a new patient, you’ll use the “New” icon.

6 The fields to create a patient are: first name, last name, DOB, and gender. * Keep in mind that these are required fields, but they can be edited once the record is saved. Next When adding a patient to your system, there are certain demographic fields that are required.

7 At this point you can hit “Save” to add your patient as the other fields are not required. Next

8 We recommend the use of a case number as a form of identification for printed documents. For HIPAA compliance, names never appear on printed materials. Let’s go ahead and talk about the optional fields in the patient record. Next Case numbers can consist of letters and numbers and can be of any length.

9 Primary address information can be entered here. Address information in these fields will display in your patient profile widget. Next

10 By default the active status will be the date in which you created the patient. Next Future active dates can be set for those patients who do not yet have active baselines and data sheets. Patients that leave your services can be set as ‘inactive’. Inactive patients will only be accessible by admins. Admins will be able to review data, graphs, and reports but will not be able to create or collect any new baselines or data sheets.

11 Next The Parent/Guardian field is where you can associate parents or other important people to the patient. Selecting the “Star” icon, you can create a person that is not already in the system and associate that record to the patient. By clicking the binoculars, you can search for existing parent records. You may use this option if you have more than one patient with the same parent and have already created the parent’s record elsewhere. If you intend to use the parent portal, you will need to have the parents set up and associated to the patient.

12 Next Therapy teams can be created or by using the binoculars you can search for teams that have already been created. Here you can also manage this patients therapy team(s). A patient can be on multiple teams if necessary.

13 Next If you are utilizing location based security and have multiple locations within your organization, you can assign a patient to the correct location from this field. Since there is a binocular option here, and not a star, you are only able to search existing and cannot add a new location from this field.

14 Next If you use multiple protocols within your organization, this will allow you to select which protocols should be used for the current patient. By using this option, you will limit the skill that can be accessed for the patient when creating baselines and data sheets. If you don’t make any adjustments to this field, by default the patient will have access to any protocol that has been loaded for the organization.

15 Next You can create annotations and contact information from this page as well. Contact information for a patient can be viewed by anybody who has a patient profile widget set up on their dashboard (Separate module). Annotations for a patient can be seen through the annotation viewer widget. After you’ve saved your patient record, you’ll get two new icons that appear for annotations and for contact information. Both of these are optional.

16 You’ve now been through all of the basics of adding and editing patients to your ABPathfinder Therapy Support Software, I encourage you to keep exploring what it can do for you.

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