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The Green Diploma North Lake College, Irving Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "The Green Diploma North Lake College, Irving Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Green Diploma North Lake College, Irving Texas

2 Goals of the Project #1 Integrate Sustainability into the Curriculum – Across the entire campus. #2 Focus on the triple bottom line. Environmental Sustainability Economic Sustainability Social Sustainability

3 Introduction Students and faculty participate. This is an “honors” program. 15 College Credit Hours to complete Grade “C” or better. At least one class from each category in the triple bottom line

4 Environmental BIOL 1406 BIOL 1407 BIOL 1408 BIOL 1409 BIOL 2420 BIOL 1411 BIOL 2406 CHEM 1411 ARTS 2356 Geology 1405 Geology 1445 ECOL 1305* Speech** Society HIST 1301 HIST 1302 Foreign Language Cultural Studies Government ENG 1302 ARTS 2356 ANTHRO 2351 Psychology Sociology ECOL 1305* Speech** Economics Business Economics Logistics Math 1324 Management Marketing EPCT 1311 BMGT 1301 BMGT 1327 ECOL 1305* Speech** Student Matrix Students can build their 15hrs from lists like the one below. Students must have at least 1 class from each category. With “C” or better

5 Methodology The methodology must be a part of the class culture End class with a sustainable quote, fact, poem, or challenge Paperless Assignments No trash created Turn off computers Teach on-line Turn off lights Use sustainable products whenever possible Assignments Specific guidelines for assignments Sustainable topics Sustainable extra credit Sustainable SLOs Service learning opportunities Best practices of people already doing this Green Club/Honor Societies Class Themes Personal Pledge Carpool, bicycle or run to school Take public transportation Save water by turning off faucets while lathering Recycle more at home Turn off lights when not in use Join a cause Grow something at home Stop purchasing bottled water Replace detergents/soaps/cleaners with a more environmentally friendly alternative Volunteer somewhere Speak out on social media Use only reusable coffee cups/water bottles Shop without plastic Do one nice thing for somebody each day Save some money that semester Exercise Give to a charity Attend a seminar or professional development pertaining to any of the triple bottom Faculty Matrix Faculty must choose 1 from each category Course then ratified by a committee of faculty

6 Successes

7 Lessons Learned Data – who tracks this? Buy in – faculty and administrative Getting the word out to students

8 Future Plans

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