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Goal 2 COMMON ASSESSMENT. What constitutional principle is being practiced when the legislative branch passes a law, the executive branch vetoes a law,

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2 What constitutional principle is being practiced when the legislative branch passes a law, the executive branch vetoes a law, and the judicial branch determines the constitutionality of a law? A. Checks & Balances B. Federalism C. Judicial Review D. Limited Government

3 Which clause was included in Article I to assure that the powers given to the new federal legislature could be expanded? A. Supremacy Clause B. Necessary and Proper Clause C. Free Exercise Clause D. Full Faith & Credit Clause

4 Which Supreme Court case was the origin of the debate concerning ‘right to life’ and the ‘pro-choice’ movements? A. Betts v. Brady B. Brown v. Board of Education C. New Jersey v. T.L.O. D. Roe v. Wade

5 Which court case established the supremacy of the federal government and the strengthening of its powers over those of the states? A. Marbury v. Madison B. McCulloch v. Maryland C. Mapp v. Ohio D. Schenck v. United States

6 Which basic principle provides the foundation of the U.S. Constitution by emphasizing that power lies within the people? A. Federalism B. Checks & Balances C. Popular Sovereignty D. Concurrent Powers

7 Which clause from the U.S. Constitution requires that all state laws must be subordinate to all federal laws? A. Establishment Clause B. Full Faith & Credit Clause C. Supremacy Clause D. Necessary & Proper Clause

8 Which of the following scenarios represents an appropriate check and balance of governmental power? a. Supreme court vetoes congressional legislation b. President introduces a law to congress c. Congress appoints members to the Supreme Court d. Congressional override of a presidential veto

9 Brown v. Board of Education overturned the state Jim Crow laws originally protected by which landmark Supreme Court Case? A. Texas v. Johnson B. Dred Scott v. Sanford C. New Jersey v. TLO D. Plessy v. Ferguson

10 Reserved powers are those that are reserved to the states. Which list is an example of reserved powers? A. collecting taxes, borrowing money and establishing courts B. conducting foreign affairs, establishing a postal system and coining money C. establishing schools, declaring war and establishing courts D. regulating trade within a state, establishing public schools and establishing local government

11 Social Security, sales, Medicare can all be classified as which type of tax? a. Progressive b. Regressive c. Proportional d. Excise

12 Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution limits a president to two terms in office? A. 19 th Amendment B. 20 th Amendment C. 22 nd Amendment D. 21 st Amendment

13 Gideon v. Wainwright was a Supreme Court case that dealt with the 6 th and 14 th amendment. What two constitutional issues did the court address in this case? A. right to remain silent, no cruel or unusual punishment B. right to free speech, right to a trial jury C. right to citizenship D. right to a lawyer, equal protection

14 The division of power between the national government & state governments is known as which of the following basic principles a. Popular Sovereignty b. Federalism c. Checks and Balances d. Judicial Review

15 Who can prevent the president of the U.S. from controlling the Supreme Court by blocking appointments to the bench? A. State legislatures B. The joint chiefs of staff C. Governors D. Senate

16 Where is the purpose/intent of the Constitution found? A. the Articles B. the Preamble C. the Amendments D. the Grievances

17 What is the term lengths for President, Senate, House of Representatives and Supreme Court (Answers must be in that order)? A. life, 2, 4, 6 B. 6, 2, life, 4 C. 4, 6, 2, life D. life, 6, 2, 4

18 Which of the following may propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution? A. a ¾ vote by both houses of Congress B. a ⅔ vote by both houses of Congress C. a national convention called by the President D. a petition generated by U.S. citizens

19 What Supreme Court case forces a policeman to read a suspect his rights? A. Mapp v. Ohio B. Furman v. Georgia C. Miranda v. Arizona D. New Jersey v. T.L.O.

20 How do you become a member of the Supreme Court? A. appointed by the Senate and approved by the House of Representatives B. appointed by the President and approved by the Supreme Court C. appointed by the Senate and approved by the Supreme Court D. appointed by the President and approved by the Senate

21 Which of the following landmark cases established the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review? A. Brown v. Board of Education B. Marbury v. Madison C. Miranda v. Arizona D.Tinker v. Des Moines

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