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Month XX, 20XX HYPACK 2016 What’s New?.

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Presentation on theme: "Month XX, 20XX HYPACK 2016 What’s New?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Month XX, 20XX HYPACK 2016 What’s New?

2 HYPACK is now part of YSI!

3 HYPACK SHELL: Multiple Map Windows
Windows share the same file enabled/disabled status.

4 HYPACK SHELL: New Rounding Rules
Truncate to Tenth ROK (Korea) HYPACK IHO UKHO (UK) NOAA AHOI (Australia) Test it to see the result!

5 HYPACK SHELL: New Folders for Side Scan

6 HYPACK SHELL: Simplified Web Maps
Simply click “Get Maps” and it will download the best possible resolution charts from the Web Map Servers you have selected. It also overlaps maps to eliminate white space between GeoTIFs.

7 TPU EDITOR More multibeams and MRUs are available from the menu list.

8 LINE EDITOR: Mission Planning for AUV/ASV
Enter the Depth/Altitude of the AUV, the radius of the arc for turns, tell it when to start/stop logging and where to surface.

9 HYPACK: Arabic and Polish Language Support

10 SURVEY: Log thru Midnight without End-Line
The survey programs (HYPACK, SIDESCAN, HYSWEEP) no longer do an end-line/start-line at midnight. You can now log right on through midnight! SBMAX, MBMAX-64, MAGEDIT, MANUAL TIDES & SOUND VELOCITY have all be updated to support-multiple day collection and multiple-day processing. SOUND VELOCITY Program 12:00 AM Not a problem!

11 SURVEY: New and Updated Device Drivers
BUCKET.DLL: Automatically marks buckets. DIVER6.DLL: Diver tracking system. EXCAVATOR.DLL: Draws excavator arms in Map window. GOPRO_CAPTURE.DLL: Runs wit h the new Hero 4 GPS.DLL: Supports datagrams from Edgetech, PING_DSP (and others). HYDROID.DLL Tracks AUV Position IXSEA.DLL: Supports Octans, TAH and Simrad EM3000. KVH_AD.DLL: Now supports pitch and roll. MAGNET.DLL: Added Auto-tuning ODOMCV_3.DLL: Revised annotation support. SONTEK_M9: ADCP as an Echosounder YSIEXO.DLL: Supports YSI Exo Sondes (Environmental `Sensors)

12 HYSWEEP SURVEY: New Integrations
Blueview BV5000: 3D Mechanical Scanning Sonar Dynascan: Added Range-angle Filtering. Kongsberg MB Water column support ME70: Logs Backscatter as Amplitude NOVATEL Supports Binary Datagrams PingDSP For 3D Side Scans Reson T20P (Supports T50P) Velodyne Topographic laser. WASSP DRX Driver YSI Castaway Upload Sound Velocity Cast Info via Bluetooth

13 SIDE SCAN DRIVERS Support for Sonartech Sonarbeam S-150 Support for Kongsberg Pulsar Improved Bottom Track for MarineSonic SIDE SCAN REFORMATTER • To HSX: • Supports Kraken SAS sonar TIL files. • Supports dual head *.7k files from Reson 7125 • CM2 files: reads layback and adds a new POS field in the HSX file. • Klein SDF: Use FixTime option should be selected unless you get positions from the SDFX extension. • Supports PingDSP *.3dss-dx files. • HSX Utilities: • Added End Point position for scaled position adjustments.

Enter the final position for a rig or barge move and draw a ghost shape (orange).

15 SURVEY: 3D Left/Right Indicator

16 Real Time Mosaic of Side Scan Data
Automatically create side scan mosaic tiles on the fly and save them to GeoTIF on exit.

17 SURVEY LOG Records information about survey. Includes S/L time, E/L time, tide value, File Name and remarks. Save to PDF.

18 Side Scan Waterfall Side Scan Signal window Is now integrated into the waterfall. Click and drag the bottom track line (blue) to set the bottom track. Click and drag either Bottom Track Gate to expand/contract the gate. Main window is now part of waterfall.

19 Side Scan Targeting (Real Time)
Measure targets on the fly. Add notes. Rename targets. The new Targets window keeps the last three targets for review.

20 SINGLE BEAM EDITOR Select files from a drop-down list.
Click-and-drag a free hand line to digitize depths in the Echogram Window. Print the window

Heave-Pitch-Roll sensors are expensive. Pitch-Roll sensors cost a lot less! If I know the Pitch, Roll and lever arms, everytime I get the height of the GPS antenna above the ellipsoid, I can compute the height of the transducer above the ellipsoid. A A’ WGS-84 Ellipsoid No good if you lose RTK Fixed mode!

22 HYSWEEP SURVEY & MBMAX-64: Multi-Detect
Multi-Detection support is available for Reson and Kongsberg MBs Multi-detection-OFF Multi-detection ON

23 SBET EDITOR: A new program to review and edit post-processed GPS results.

24 MBMAX-64: Multibeam Editor
New: Interpolate SV by time or by position Multi-Detect support. Add files “on the fly” and add to existing files in your session.

25 MULTIBEAM EDITOR: Water Column Digitizing
To get soundings on the bottom and on a piling, using the digitizing tool and set the Ratio to % of the pings will be digitized along your line.

+3 gamma +0 gamma New Azimuth Adjustment Routine to Correct Gamma Values Based on Heading. +0 gamma -3 gamma MAGEDIT can now handle more than 1,000 targets.

View Tracks window now draws all background files. Reflectors selection is now a drop-down to save space. Settings window is now an independent window. Available as a 32-bit or 64-bit program.

Display multiple sub-bottom lines in 3-D space.

29 HYPLOT – Multiple Sheet (New!)
Assign multiple Plotting Sheets (*.PLT) to your page. Configure each one separately. Title blocks on sheets or main page.

30 TIN MODEL: Speeding Up the Volumes!
Processing is speeded up by using multiple processors and by assigning triangles to planned line pairs when generating the model. Time savings: What used to take 5 minutes now takes 2 minutes!

31 CLOUD32/64: Export to HTML/Web

32 MARINE SEARCH: A new product for Police/Fire Department Marine Search Units
GPS and Side Scan only! Real time mosaic and targeting. Post-processing mosaics and targeting.

33 3DTV: Remote View over Internet
Display real time 3DTV info over an Internet connection.

34 3D Mesh Program: New! Great for vertical walls and concave surfaces. Not so great with lots of points.

35 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
InfiniteJib (Surveyor 360) Altavian (Fixed wing/Rotocopter) Texas A&M/UNH (DJI S1000)

36 Unmanned Surface Vessels
HYPACK working with: Teledyne Oceanscience Z Boat Clearpath Robotics Kingfisher Hydronalix Emily (Active Searobotics

37 Scheduled for release on 16 Jan 2016
HYPACK 2016 Scheduled for release on 16 Jan 2016

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