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Published bySheena Marshall Modified over 9 years ago
Precision Study of the Nucleon’s 3D Structure with SoLID Zhihong Ye Seminar Talk at Argonne National Lab, 06/26/2015
Outline Unified view of Nucleon Structure Study of Transverse Momentum Distributions with SIDIS Study of Generalized Parton Distributions with DVCS Introduction to SoLID Summary 2
W p u (x,k T,r T ) Wigner distributions d2kTd2kT PDFs f 1 u (x),.. h 1 u (x) d2rTd2rT TMD PDFs f 1 u (x,k T ),.. h 1 u (x,k T ) 3D 5D Form Factors G E (Q 2 ), G M (Q 2 ) d2rTd2rT 1D GPDs/IPDs d2kTd2kT dx & Fourier Transformation 3
W p u (x,k T,r T ) Wigner distributions d2rTd2rT TMD PDFs f 1 u (x,k T ),.. h 1 u (x,k T ) 3D Nucleon Imaging 5D GPDs/IPDs d2kTd2kT from GPD-H from Sivers Function Transverse Momentum Space Impact Parameter Space 4
Transverse Momentum Distributions 5
Leading-Twist TMDs 8 TMDs with different polarization direction of nucleons and quarks TMDs Become 1D PDFs after integrating on k T. 6
Probe TMDs with SIDIS Detect scattered electrons and produced hadrons in the final state ,K e e’ Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS): 7
Unpolarized Polarized Target Polarized Beam and Target Probe TMDs with SIDIS Longitudinally/Transversely Polarized Target Polarized Beam Sivers Pretzelocity Transversity Boer- Mulders Helicity Trans- Helicity Long- Transversity Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS): All TMDs can be extracted from SIDIS : 8
Transversely polarized target Single Spin Asymmetry (SSA): Separation of Collins, Sivers and pretzelosity effects through azimuthal angular dependence: UT: Unpolarized beam + Transversely polarized target Transversity Sivers Prezelosity Probe TMDs with SIDIS +Fragmentation Functions Double-Spin Asymmetry (DSA). e.g.: Worm-Gear (obtained from (e+,e-) data)
X. Qian et al. (Hall A Collaboration) PRL 107 072003 (2011) Blue band: model (fitting) uncertainties Red band: other systematic uncertainties Transverse SSA results at Hall-A with 6 GeV: Probe TMDs with SIDIS 10
Explorations: HERMES, COMPASS, RHIC-spin, Jlab-6GeV,… From exploration to precision study JLab12: valence region; EIC: sea and gluons Transversity: fundamental PDFs, tensor charge TMDs: 3-d momentum structure of the nucleon information on quark orbital angular momentum information on QCD dynamics Multi-dimensional mapping of TMDs Precision high statistics – high luminosity and large acceptance Probe TMDs with SIDIS In the 12GeV Era: 11 E12-10-006 (A), SIDIS with Transversely Polarized He3, 90 days E12-11-007 (A), SIDIS with Longitudinally Polarized He3, 35 days E12-11-108 (A), SIDIS with Polarized Proton, 120 days
Natural extension of E06-010 Much wider phase space Both transversely and longitudinally polarized target SoLID-SIDIS Phase Space Coverage 12 E12-10-006 (A), SIDIS with Transversely Polarized He3, 90 days E12-11-007 (A), SIDIS with Longitudinally Polarized He3, 35 days E12-11-108 (A), SIDIS with Polarized Proton, 120 days
One Typical Bin to show the good statistics SoLID-SIDIS SIDIS: 4-D (x, pt, Q2, z) probe of nucleon transverse momentum distributions (TMDs) SoLID-SIDIS studies TMDs with extensive coverage and resolutions (48 Q-z bins) > 1400 data points! 13
Transversity to Tensor Charge Global model fits to experiments (SIDIS and e+e-) Tensor Change: Lowest moment of transversity Fundamental quantity Beyond Standard model searches: parameters depend on precision of tensor charge 14
Sivers Function The distribution of unpolarised parton in a transversely polarized neutron Significant Improvement in the valence quark (high-x) region Future EIC Illustrated in a model fit (from A. Prokudin, no QCD evolution included but soon) With future SoLID-SIDIS data Test the QCD TMD factorization 15 SIDIS quark in the final state DY quark in the initial state Sign change between SIDIS and Drell-Yan
Access the orbital angular momentum (OAM) of quarks and gluons with transverse n/p Pretzelocity & Worm-Gear Pretzelocity: L=0 and L=2 interference (S-D int.) L=1 and L=-1 interference (P-P Int) Worm-Gear: L=0 and L=1 Interference. 16
Generalized Parton Distributions 17
W p u (x,k T,r T ) Wigner distributions d2kTd2kT PDFs f 1 u (x),.. h 1 u (x) d2rTd2rT TMD PDFs f 1 u (x,k T ),.. h 1 u (x,k T ) 3D 5D Form Factors G E (Q 2 ), G M (Q 2 ) d2rTd2rT 1D GPDs/IPDs d2kTd2kT dx & Fourier Transformation (X. Ji, D. Mueller, A. Radyushkin) 18
GPDs Generalized Parton Distributions (GPD): Encode Information of the parton distribution in both the transverse plane and longitudinal direction. Four GPDs for quarks or gluons: Connect to FF & PDFs: e.g. x Longitudinal quark momentum fraction (not experimental accessible) ξ Longitudinal momentum transfer. In Bjorken limit: ξ = x B /(2-x B ) t Total squared momentum transfer to the nucleon: t = (P-P’) 2 Angular Momentum Sum Rule (Ji’s Sum Rule): (X. Ji, PRL 78, 610 (1997) Ji’s Nucleon Spin Decomposition: With quark spin measured by DIS, GPD can probe quark’s O.A.M! 19
GPD Study with DVCS Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS): Bethe-Helter DVCS Interference-Term: from Nucleon FF, F 1 & F 2 Compton Form Factor (CFF): Re( H ) Im( H ) Access GPDs via DVCS by measuring the Ф dependence of DVCS & Interference Terms In the asymmetry: DVCS accesses GPDs at x=ξ (combine with other channels to fully map out GPDs) σ +/-, Beam or/and Target Polarization. (Total Eight CFFs) 20
DVCS with polarized electron beam and targets: GPD Study with DVCS 21
DVCS with polarized electron beam and targets: GPD Study with DVCS Approved 12GeV DVCS experiments: E12-06-114 (Hall-A) unpol. proton, absolute XS & BSA, limited coverage E12-13-010 (Hall-C) unpol. proton, absolute XS &π 0, limited coverage. E12-06-119 (Hall-B) longi. pol proton (DNP), BSA, TSA, wide coverage C12-12-010 (Hall-B) conditional approved trans. pol. proton (HDice), TSA,BSA, wide coverage E-12-11-003 (Hall-B) unpol. neutron, BSA SoLID can bring: Transversely polarized neutron-DVCS (He3, with E12-10-006 SIDIS setup) new proposal under development (see next few slides), will be summited in 2016 Longitudinally polarized neutron-DVCS (He3, with E12-11-007 SIDIS setup) Transversely polarized proton-DVCS (DNP, with E1211-108 SIDIS setup) Longitudinally polarized proton-DVCS (DNP) No polarized neutron-DVCS experiment has been done or proposed at Jlab! (only done at HERMES with poor accuracy and limited coverage) GPDs study needs neutron data (flavor decomposition)! 22
Acceptance DVCS with Polarized He3 Recoil neutrons: (1) at large angles (2) P~0.4GeV/c It will be very difficult to detect neutrons 23
Kinematic Coverage DVCS with Polarized He3 Integrated Rate: 24
Asymmetry Projection: DVCS with Polarized He3 21 days on E0=8.8GeV, 48 days on E0=11GeV 25
All bins for TSA on x at one Q2 bin Two transversely polarized direction (x->0/180degree, y->90/270 degree), 5-Q2-bins, so: BSAx5, TSAx5x2, DSAx5x2 25 such kind of plots DVCS with Polarized He3 26
DVCS with Polarized He3 Make sure the exclusivity with Missing Mass Reconstruction: Main background if not detecting recoil neutrons: (n+γ) from π 0 decay Missing Mass Reconstruction: detect electron and photons (angles, momentum/energy) The spectrum resolution is limited by the EC resolution (~5%) Background Subtraction: ECs can detect partial π 0 decay events by reconstruction two-photons events Very Preliminary We will learn from the new Hall-A 12GeV-DVCS data. From Hall-A DVCS@12GeV data Real events mixed into the MM spectrum (detected by SoLID) MC events in the entire region (within SoLID acceptance) 27
DVCS with Polarized He3 Make sure the exclusivity with a Central Recoil Detector Hall-B has a design to detect recoil neutrons Possible candidate: Scintillating Fiber Tracker Prototype proposal awarded by JSA 2014 postdoc prize A complete testing setup: A lab, dark-boxes, DAQ, fibers+SiPMs Testing light output with varying Fibers and SiPMs Working with DarkLight Collaboration to design and build their Center SFT, which can potentially be used by nDVCS Need careful study to evaluate the detection efficiency DarkLight Detector Layout 28
Other GPD Studies @ SoLID Double-DVCS: Timelike-DVCS: Deep Virtual Meson Production (both neutr): A lepton pair in the final state instead of a real photon Can access GPDs beyond the x=ξ limit new LOI submited to 2015-PAC and aimed for a proposal to 2016-PAC Inverse of the space-like DVCS Extract the real part of CFFs new proposal, run with SoLID-J/Psi DVCS with transversely polarized proton target (to be proposed in 2016/2017) Detect the produced meson (π 0,ρ 0, ω 0, …) Probe individual GPDs more selectively than DVCS e.g. ρ 0 /ρ +K* H, E, π 0,η 0,K H-tilde, E-tilde Invited exports to study the opportunity with SoLID-SIDIS 29
Introduction to SoLID 30
SoLID Overview SoLID: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device High Intensity (10 37 ~ 10 39 cm -2 s -1 ) and, Large Acceptance (8<θ<24, 0<Φ<360, 1<Pe<7GeV/c for SIDIS) Two Configurations 31 & GPD
SIDIS&J/Psi: 6xGEMs LASPD LAEC LGC HGC FASPD MRPC FAEC PVDIS: Baffle LGC 4xGEMs EC SoLID: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device High Intensity (10 37 ~ 10 39 cm -2 s -1 ) and, Large Acceptance (8<θ<24, 0<Φ<360, 1<Pe<7GeV/c for SIDIS) 32 SoLID Overview
Approved SIDIS Programs: E12-10-006 (A), SIDIS with Transversely Polarized He3, 90 days E12-11-007 (A), SIDIS with Longitudinally Polarized He3, 35 days E12-11-108 (A), SIDIS with Polarized Proton, 120 days and bonus runs (Ay, Di-Hadron, and PDFs: A1/A2, g1/g2, d2 …) Parity Violation Deep Inelastic Scattering (PVDIS): E12-10-007 (169 days, A) EMC with Calcium (will be proposed) J/ψ : Near Threshold Electroproduction of J/ψ at 11 GeV: E12-12-006 (60 days, A-), A new run-group proposal submitted: Time-Like Compton Scattering Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs): (new LOIs & Proposals) polarized-proton/neutron DVCS, Doubly DVCS, DVMP, TCS, etc. More e.g., Hadronization SoLID: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device High Intensity (10 37 ~ 10 39 cm -2 s -1 ) and, Large Acceptance (8<θ<24, 0<Φ<360, 1<Pe<7GeV/c for SIDIS) SoLID Overview SoLID has a strong and still expending collaboration: 250+ physicists, 70+ institutions from 13 countries. Significant international contributions... 33
SoLID-SIDIS Configuration Coverage: Forward Acceptance: Φ: 2π, θ: 8 o -14.8 o, P: 1.0 – 7.0 GeV/c, Large Acceptance: Φ: 2π, θ: 16 o -24 o, P: 3.5 – 7.0 GeV/c Coincidence Trigger: Electron Trigger + Hardron Trigger (pions, and maybe kaons) Forward-Angle : Detect electrons & hadrons Large-Angle : Detect electrons only Resolution by GEM: δP/P ~ 2%, θ ~ 0.6mrad, Φ ~ 5mrad 34
SoLID-DVCS Configuration Coverage: Forward Acceptance: Φ: 2π, θ: 8 o -14.8 o, P: 1.0 – 7.0 GeV/c, Large Acceptance: Φ: 2π, θ: 16 o -24 o, P: 3.5 – 7.0 GeV/c Coincidence Trigger: Electron Trigger + Photon Trigger Forward-Angle : Detect electrons & photons Large-Angle : Detect electrons & photons Electron Resolution by GEM: δP/P ~ 2%, θ ~ 0.6mrad, Φ ~ 5mrad Photon Resolution by EC: ~5% in energy, ~1cm in position Mode#1: In run group with SIDIS Need to add the photon trigger Mode#1: In run group with SIDIS Need to add the photon trigger Mode#2: Dedicated run with additional beam-time Remove hadron triggers, HGC... Mode#2: Dedicated run with additional beam-time Remove hadron triggers, HGC... 35 This configuration can still be optimized!
SoLID-SIDIS Detectors 36 MRPC GEM EC HGC LGC Double-mask GEM foil Single-mask GEM foil
Magnet CLEO-II Solenoid Magnet: Jlab/ANL Goals: Acceptance: P: 1.0 – 7.0 GeV/c, Φ: 2π, θ: 8 o -24 o (SIDIS), 22 o -35 o (PVDIS), Resolution: δP/P ~ 2% Fringe field at the front end < 5 Gaus Status: CLEO-II magnet formally requested and agreed in 2013: Site visit in 2014, disassembly in 2015 and transport in 2017 Design of supporting structures and mounting system at JLab CLEO in Hall-A CLEO at Cornell CLEO-II: from Cornell Univ. Built in 1989 and operated until 2008, uniform central field at 1.5 T, Inner radius 2.9 m, coil radius 3.1 m and coil length 3.5 m 37
EC Trigger Triggers&DAQ Triggers: Read-Out and Data Aquisition System: Estimation based on sophesticated Geant simulation and well-tone physics models PVDIS: LGC+EC provide electron triggers, 27 KHz/sector, 30 sectors SIDIS: Coincident trigger between electrons and hardrons within a 30 ns window: LASPD+LAEC provide electron triggers, 25 KHz LGC+FASPD+MRPC+FAEC provide electron trigger, 129 KHz FASPD+MRPC+FAEC provide hadron trigger, 14 MHz 66 KHz + 6 KHz (eDIS) Use fast electronics to handle the high rates (FADC, APV25, VETROC, etc.) Read out EC clusters to reduce background Current design can take the trigger rates 60 KHz per sector for PVDIS, and 100 KHz overall for SIDIS Use Level-3 to further reduce the events size Learn new developments from others (e.g. Hall-D) 38
Simulation&Software Monte Carlo Simulation: GEM Tracking Reconstruction: SoLID full setup in GEMC (Geant4) with realistic materials EM background produced from 11GeV e- on targets with the physics models in Geant4 Hadron background, generated from event generators (Wiser fit) on both target and target windows, then passed into GEMC Can reconstruct charged particles traveling in the strong magnetic filed Need fast processing time for high rates with backgrounds Two approaches: Tree Search, Progressive Tracking End-to-End Simulation & Analysis Software: Should be able to handle large scale data analysis Should be able to mix MC and real data Should be able to add and change configurations Working group has been form – weekly software meeting Borrow experience from Hall-B/-D and sPHENIX (BNL) 39
Summary Understanding the nucleon structure from 1D (PDFs&FF) to 3D (TMDs & GPDs) SIDIS provides a powerful tool to study TMDs 8 leading twist TMDs to access quark spin & OAM, tensor change, and so on SoLID-SIDIS programs will perform 4D precise measurements of TMDs Three A rated experiments, two newly approved “bonus” experiments, and more … With the similar SoLID-SIDIS setup, we can also study GPDs via DVCS and etc. Letter-of-Intents and one proposal have been submitted in this PAC. With the features of high luminosity and large acceptance, SoLID can explore a wide range of physics topics. SoLID Time-Line: Pre-Conceptual Design Report submitted in July 2014 Actively provided inputs for NSAC’s Long-Range-Plan JLab Director’s Review in Feb. 2015 (received very positive feedback) Resolving and responding important recommendations Requesting pre-R&D resources and planning Detector R&D and Software Design Preparing for DOE Science Review soon 40
Backup Slides 41
SoLID-SIDIS Detectors 42 MRPC GEM EC HGC LGC Double-mask GEM foil Single-mask GEM foil
Baffle PVDIS Baffle: Jlab/ANL/Stone-Brook Goals: 11 layers of 9cm thick lead and one layer of 5cm lead Right after the target to block photons, pions and secondary particles. Follow charge particle bending in the field, preserve the same azimuthal slice and block line of sight. 1st 1nd3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th8th 10th11th9th 12th PVDIS only 43
Magnet CLEO-II Solenoid Magnet: Jlab/ANL Goals: Acceptance: Φ: 2π, θ: 8 o -24 o (SIDIS), 22 o -35 o (PVDIS), P: 1.0 – 7.0 GeV/c, Resolution: δP/P ~ 2% (requires 0.1 mm tracking resolution) Fringe field at the front end < 5 Gaus Status: CLEO-II magnet formally requested and agreed in 2013: Site visit in 2014, disassembly in 2015 and transport in 2017 Design of supporting structures and mounting system at JLab CLEO in Hall-A CLEO at Cornell CLEO-II: from Cornell Univ. Built in 1989 and operated until 2008, uniform central field at 1.5 T, Inner radius 2.9 m, coil radius 3.1 m and coil length 3.5 m 44
GEM: USTC/CIAE/Lanzhou/Tsinghua/IMP/UVa Goals: 5 planes (PVDIS) and 6 planes (SIDIS/JPsi), area~37 m 2 (165K outputs), work in high rate and high radiation environment. tracking eff.>90%, radius resolution ~ 0.1 mm, Status: main contribution from Chinese institutions China: CIAE/USTC/Tsinghua/LZU) 100cmx50cm GEM detector has been built and tested CIAE has made a 40cmx40cm single-mask GEM foil Continue on read-out electronics desgin and test Detectors 100cmx50cm GEM detector 40cmx40cm single-mask GEM foil Double-mask GEM foil 45 UVa: First full size prototype assembled, and beam test at Fermi Lab Oct 2013 Single-mask GEM foil
Light Gas Cherenkov Counter (LGC): Temple Univ. Goals: 2 m C02 (SIDIS/Jpsi), 1 atm 1 m C4F8O (65%)+N2 (35%) (PVDIS), 1 atm 30 sectors, 60 mirrors, 270 PMTs, Area~20m 2 N.P.E>10, eff.>90%, π suppresion > 500:1 Work at 200G field (100G after shielding) Status: Support Structure and Mounting Design u-metal Shielding design Pre-R&D ongoing at Temple Detectors 46
Detectors Heavy Gas Cherenkov Counter (HGC): Duke Univ./Regina Univ. Goals: for SIDIS only 1 m C4F8O at 1.5 atm 30 mirrors, 480 PMTs, area~20 m 2 N.P.E>10, eff.>90%, Kaon suppresion > 10:1, Work at 200G field (100G after shielding) Status: Optimize the design with MC Designs of Support Structure, Mounting, Shielding, etc. Magnet field test with MaPMT H8500 (S. Malance, JINST 8 P09004,2013) and H12700 Prototype-Test will happen at Duke soon 47
Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber: Goals: For SIDIS only, between FASPD and FAEC 50 super-modules, each contains 3 modules, 1650 strips and 3300 output channels. Timing resolution < 100ps Works at high rate up to 10 KHz/cm2 Photon suppression > 10:1 /k separation up to 2.5GeV/c Status: Prototype Developed at Tsinghua Beam test at Hall-A in 2012 New facility for mass production Read-out electronics design Resistive glass Aging-Test: Detectors Most recent aging test shows the glass has no significant effect with neutrons. 48 Tsinghua/USTC/Duke
Electromagnetic Calorimeters (EC): UVa/ANL/W&M/LANL/Shandong Univ. Goals: Shashlyk sampling calorimeters 1800 modules (2 R.L.) for PreShower, 1800 modules (18 R.L) for Shower Modules re-arranged for PDVIS SIDIS electron eff.>90%, E-Resolution~10%/√E, π suppresion > 50:1 Rad. Hard (<20% descreasing after 400K Rad) Detectors 49
Scintillating Pedal Detectors (SPD): UVa/ANL/W&M/LANL/Shandong Univ. Goals: For SIDIS only Two planes (in front of LAEC and FAEC): LASPD: 60 modules, 5 mm or thicker, photon rej. 10:1 FASPD: 60 modules x 4 radius, photon rej. 5:1 LASPD timing resolution < 150ps Status: Design and Simulation Pre-R&D at UVa and JLab Detectors 50
Electromagnetic Calorimeters (EC): continue... Status: Sophesticated Geant Simulation Active Pre-R&D at UVa and Jlab Sample&PMT tests and Pre-Amp design PVDIS SIDIS (worse case) Detectors Fiber connectorsPreShower module 51
Scintillating Pedal Detectors (SPD): UVa/ANL/W&M/LANL/Shandong Univ. Goals: For SIDIS only Two planes (in front of LAEC and FAEC): LASPD: 60 modules, 5 mm or thicker, photon rej. 10:1 FASPD: 60 modules x 4 radius, photon rej. 5:1 LASPD timing resolution < 150ps Status: Design and Simulation Pre-R&D at UVa and JLab Detectors 52
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