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Questions about Integral Vision Theory. About stages Is it possible to go back into development stages once that you have reach the higher development.

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Presentation on theme: "Questions about Integral Vision Theory. About stages Is it possible to go back into development stages once that you have reach the higher development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questions about Integral Vision Theory

2 About stages Is it possible to go back into development stages once that you have reach the higher development stage? Is it possible to think also “egocentric” when you are suppose to think as “worldcentric”?

3 About types Which other kind of types can be present besides the masculine and femenine? Gender roles are seen in a very deterministic way through the feminine and masculine types, but can't we transcend those roles we just learnt during our whole life?

4 About “body” concept What is the meaning of subtle and causal body? Do ideas, feelings, emotions necessary have a body?

5 About spiritually What is spiritually? Is it God, meditation, yoga? It is a very broad concept Is it a state or a stage?

6 About the whole Integral Model What is exactly the connection between the five elements? One frame for everything, is that really possible?

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