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RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20081 National Incident Management System Andrew Hendrickson, CEM Regional NIMS Coordinator FEMA Region 10

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Presentation on theme: "RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20081 National Incident Management System Andrew Hendrickson, CEM Regional NIMS Coordinator FEMA Region 10"— Presentation transcript:

1 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20081 National Incident Management System Andrew Hendrickson, CEM Regional NIMS Coordinator FEMA Region 10 425-487-4784

2 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20082 National Incident Management System *2008 Compliance Status

3 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20083 Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPDs) Management of Domestic Incidents HSPD-5 HSPD-8  National Incident Management System (NIMS)  National Response Framework (NRF)  National Preparedness Goals Mandates NIMS Authorities National Preparedness

4 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20084 NIMS Components 1.Preparedness 2.Communications & Information Management 3.Resource Management 4.Command & Management 5.Ongoing Management & Maintenance

5 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20085 1.Preparedness –Planning –Training –Exercises 2.Communication & Information Management –Common Operating Picture –Interoperability –Equipment Standards and Training –Communications Standards and Formats 3.Resource Management –Resource Typing –Credentialing 4.Command & Management –Incident Command System (ICS) –Multi-Agency Coordination System (MACS) –Public Information 5.Ongoing Management & Maintenance –Incident Management Systems Integration Division –Supporting Technologies NIMS Component Details

6 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20086 NIMS Training Required as a condition for meeting NIMS compliance and receiving federal preparedness funds NIMS baseline training forms the basis for the future position specific training that will become an integral element of any emergency management program One of the most important and essential elements of NIMS compliance

7 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20087 Training: Who needs to take what? IS-700 NIMS: Introduction IS-800b NRF: Introduction ICS-100: Introduction All Federal, State, Territorial, Tribal, local, private sector and non-governmental personnel whose primary responsibility is emergency management especially if responsibilities include a direct role in emergency preparedness, incident management, or response ICS-200: BasicAll Federal, State, Territorial, Tribal, local, private sector and non-governmental personnel who will participate in a non-supervisory capacity in an Incident Command System organizational structure ICS-300 Intermediate (Required in FY08) All Federal, State, Territorial, Tribal, local, private sector and non-governmental personnel who will participate in a supervisory capacity in an Incident Command System organizational structure ICS-400 Advanced (Required in future) All Federal, State, Territorial, Tribal, local, private sector and non-governmental personnel who will participate as Incident Commanders, Command Staff, General Staff, and “above” e.g. Multi-Agency Coordination positions, in an Incident Command System organizational structure Additional NIMS Training (Recommended) Training available for all audiences in the following areas: NIMS Multi-agency Coordination Systems (IS 701), Public Information Systems (IS 702), Communications and Information Management, Resource Management (IS 703), Resource Typing, Mutual Aid, and NIMS Preparedness ICS-Position Specific Training for future Training required for ICS Command and General Staff positions: Incident Commander, Safety Office, Liaison Officer, Public Information Officer, Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, and Finance/Admin Section Chief

8 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20088 Resource Typing Tier 1 - Resources that require National Definition for Inter-State Mutual Aid Tier 2 - Resources that are specialized and used for localized response –Provides Capability Standard for Resources –Identifies Basic attributes (countable/measureable) –Seeks Stable attributes –Assists with matching capabilities of resources to be used together

9 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 20089 Resource Disciplines Emergency Medical Services Fire Services & Hazardous Materials Response Incident Management Law Enforcement Medical / Public Health Public Works Search & Rescue Veterinary / Animal Control

10 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200810 NIMS Resource Management Credentialing System

11 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200811 National Emergency Responder Credentialing System GOALS: Ensures personnel responding to an Inter-State mutual aid incident are properly trained and qualified Provides Uniform identification (based on the Real ID Act and HSPD-12) Supports development of Public Safety Organizations’ entry and/or access security criteria

12 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200812 National Emergency Responder Credentialing System COMPONENTS: Credentialing information can easily identify personnel and verify certifications, training, and license Eligible responders are approved by their sponsoring organization, i.e. jurisdiction having authority – Utilize existing accepted licensing and credentialing practices for qualifications, skills and abilities Accreditation for credentialing organizations – Decentralized operation

13 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200813 NIMS Compliance Assistance Support Tool (NIMSCAST)

14 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200814 NIMSCAST updates NIMCAST NIMCAST – National Incident Management System Capability Assessment Support Tool –NIMCAST Launched January 2005 –Assess compliance against the NIMS document –State, territory, tribal, local, and/or discipline –Created overall report NIMSCAST – NIMS Compliance Assistance Support Tool –NIMSCAST Released in FY 2007 –2008 version June 23rd

15 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200815

16 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200816 Homeland Security Grant Considerations The Grant Development & Administration Division monitoring visit Other grant making agencies could request report for monitoring Assist in compliance verification

17 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200817 NIMS Compliance All State, Territory, Tribal and local jurisdictions that are eligible to receive Federal preparedness assistance awards in the form of grants, cooperative agreements and direct contracts must be in compliance with the NIMS (HSPD-5) to receive this funding

18 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200818 FY 2007 NIMS Compliance States may no longer Self Certify –FEMA was required to monitor compliance of NIMS at the state level –All jurisdictions assessed the compliance metrics to evaluate the implementation of NIMS –FEMA used the NIMS Compliance Assistance Support Tool (NIMSCAST) to track and report compliance for all jurisdictions

19 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200819 FY 2008 NIMS Compliance Summary –Five new activities for Tribal Nations All NIMS Implementation activities from previous fiscal years remain on-going commitments All jurisdictions must continue to support all NIMS implementation activities in order to achieve full NIMS compliance

20 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200820 NIMS Compliance Summary States and Territories must complete their respective metrics assessment in NIMSCAST prior to end of FY2008 Current NIMSCAST was updated to reflect FY 2008 metrics Completed NIMSCAST report is required for a jurisdiction to be eligible for FY 2009 FEMA preparedness awards

21 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200821 NIMS Adoption FY 2008 NIMS COMPLIANCE OBJECTIVE Fiscal Year State/ Territory Tribal Nation Local 1.1. Adopt NIMS for all Departments/Agencies; as well as, promote and encourage NIMS adoption by associations, utilities, nongovernmental organizations and private sector emergency management and incident response organizations. 2005 2.2. Establish and maintain a planning process to communicate, monitor and implement all NIMS requirements across the State/Territory/ Tribal Nation (including Departments/Agencies), to include local governments. This process must provide a means for measuring progress and facilitate reporting. 20062007N/A 3.3. Designate and maintain a single point of contact within government to serve as principal coordinator for NIMS implementation jurisdiction-wide (to include a principal coordinator for NIMS implementation within each Department/Agency. 20062007 4.4. Ensure that Federal Preparedness Awards [to include, but not limited to, DHS Homeland Security Grant Program and Urban Area Security Initiative Funds] to State/Territorial Departments/Agencies, as well as local governments, support all required NIMS compliance Objectives. 2005 2008 5.5. Audit agencies and review organizations should routinely include NIMS compliance requirements in all audits associated with Federal Preparedness Awards. 2006 2008 6.6. Assist Tribal Nations with formal adoption and implementation of NIMS.2007N/A

22 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200822 NIMS Preparedness - Training FY 2008 NIMS COMPLIANCE OBJECTIVE Fiscal Year State/ Territory Tribal Nation Local 9.9. Use existing resources such as programs, personnel and training facilities to coordinate and deliver NIMS training requirements. 2006 2008 10.10. Complete IS-700 NIMS: An Introduction or equivalent by appropriate personnel (as identified in the Five-Year NIMS Training Plan, February 2008). 2006 11.11. Complete IS-800 National Response Framework (NRF): An Introduction or equivalent by appropriate personnel (as identified in the Five-Year NIMS Training Plan, February 2008). 2006 12.12. Complete ICS-100 Introduction to ICS training or equivalent by appropriate personnel (as identified in the Five-Year NIMS Training Plan, February 2008). 2006 13.13. Complete ICS-200 ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents training or equivalent by appropriate personnel (as identified in the Five-Year NIMS Training Plan, February 2008). 2006 14.14. Complete ICS-300 Intermediate ICS training or equivalent by appropriate personnel (as identified in the Five-Year NIMS Training Plan, February 2008). 2007

23 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200823 NIMS Resource Management FY 2008 NIMS COMPLIANCE OBJECTIVE Fiscal Year State/ Territory Tribal Nation Local 20.20. Inventory response assets to conform to NIMS National Resource Typing Definitions, as defined by FEMA Incident Management Systems Integration Division. 2006 21.21. Ensure that equipment, communications and data systems acquired through State/Territorial and local acquisition programs are interoperable. 2006 22.22. Utilize response asset inventory for intrastate and interstate mutual aid requests [such as Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC)], training, exercises, and incidents/planned events. 2007 23.23. Initiate development of a State/Territory-wide system to credential emergency management/response personnel to ensure proper authorization and access to an incident including those involving mutual aid agreements and/or assistance agreements. 2008

24 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200824 Beyond FY 2008… 12 New Projected Objectives identified for FY 2009 4 New Projected Objectives Identified For FY 2010 Derived from 2007 Five-Year NIMS Training Plan Projected Objectives do not represent the future NIMS Compliance program objectives in their entirety...

25 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200825 Region 10 NIMS Contacts RegionalOregonIdahoWashingtonAlaska NIMS Coordinator Ron Britton 425-487-4686 Lonni Nicoll 503-378-2911 X22233 Randi Hufford 208-272-3309 Jim Kadrmas 253-512-7027 Michelle Heun 907-428-7089 Training Manager Kathy Burke 425-487-4603 KJ Craigmiles 503-378-2911 X22246 Coleen Rice 208-422-3095 Lit Dudley 253-512-7440 Kathy Griffin (907) 428-7021 Tribal Liaison (ID) Kathleen Cox 425-487-4765 Tribal Liaison (OR, WA) Andy Hendrickson 425-487-4784 Andrew.Hendrickson@d Tribal Contact (AK) Robert Forgit (907) 271-4300

26 RX NIMS NRF Workshop 200826 Questions?

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