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2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi1 Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa and INFN Pisa Status of the art 2nd Workshop on SuperB.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi1 Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa and INFN Pisa Status of the art 2nd Workshop on SuperB."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi1 Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa and INFN Pisa Status of the art 2nd Workshop on SuperB FRASCATI 16- 18 March 2006

2 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi2 OUTLINE More on physics case at Super Flavour Factory Status of the art Goals of the workshop

3 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi3 Great success of BaBar and Belle But great success of CKM Sides and anglesonly angles

4 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi4 UNIVERSAL UT fit with 50 ab -1 Universal fit makes only use of quantities independent of NP contributions within MFV

5 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi5 sin2  and loops a road to NP? New phases from SUSY? In SM interference between B mixing, K mixing and Penguin b  sss or b  sdd gives the same e  as in tree process b  ccs. However loops can also be sensitive to New Physics! Purely dimensional estimate

6 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi6 Deviation from SM: No theory error: 3.7  Naïve theory errors: 2.9  Lp05 Before summer05 The usual 3  effect!!

7 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi7 Extrapolation at high Lumi

8 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi8 b  sl + l - precision measurements New Physics – K (*) l + l -, s l + l - e + e - Precision MeasurementGoal3/ab10/ab50/ab100/ab B (B  K      / B (B  Ke + e - ) SM: 1~8%~4%~2%~1.5% A CP (B  K* l + l - ) (all) (high mass) SM: < 0.05% ~6% ~12% ~3% ~6% ~1.5% ~3% ~1.1% ~2% A FB (B  K*l + l - ) : ŝ 0 SM: ±5%~20%~9%9% A FB (B  sl + l - ) : ŝ 0 27%15%6.7%5.0% A FB (B  sl + l - ) : C 9, C 10 36-55%20-30%9-13%7-10%

9 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi9 Extrapolation at high Lumi

10 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi10 Rare Decays MEASUREMENT Goal3/ab10/ab50/ab100/ab B( B  D*  ) SM: B : 8x10 -3 10.2%5.6%2.5% B( B  s )K,K* SM:Theory ~5% 1 excl: 4x10 -6 ~1 s >3 s >4 s >5 s B( B  invisible) <2x10 -6 <1x10 -6 <4x10 -7 <2.5x10 -7 B( B d  mm ) ~8x10 -11 <3x10 -8 <1.6x10 -8 <7x10 -9 <5x10 -9 B( B d  tt ) ~1x10 -8 <1x10 -3 O(10 -4 ) ?? B(t  mg ) now< 7 10 -8 <10 -10 B(t  m h) now < 10 -7 <10 -10 ? ?

11 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi11  X The LFV limits on  h and   scale with the statistics or with the square root of the statistics? If as we have now in Babar the main source of systematic error is the unidentified background with 2 neutrinos and this background is irreducible the scaling low is the square root? Can this background kept under control as in  e  Can a symmetric machine with very small beam spot (several order of magnitude smaller than in PEPII) and monochromatic taus help in reducing this source of error?

12 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi12 Physics case On the physics case a lot of documents are available they are the result of three years of Physics workshops in Slac,in KEK and Joint meetings in Hawaii. Three years of Physics Workshops have produced heavy documents. See for example: The Discovery Potential of a Super B Factory (Slac-R-709) Letter of Intent for KEK Super B Factory ( KEK Report 2004-4 ) Physics at Super B Factory ( hep-ex/0406071 ) At the URL : you can find documents and links to documents The physics case for a Super Flavour Factory is solid if : The sample of data available in a few years of running can reach 100 ab -1 (10 11 BBbar, tau and charm pairs) The running period is overlapped to LHC. (Results from Super Flavour and LHC are largely complementary). As asked by the president of INFN an international study group has been formed to study the case, to evaluate the solution with time, costs, synergies, footprint of the machine……

13 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi13 goals of this workshop on Physics Focus the attention on: Physics reach on charm with 10 35 machine at 4.0 GeV symmetric for coherent production of charm meson pairs: (D0 mixing, CPV in Charm?) –talk of I Shipsey and study of N.Neri&M.Rama. Possibilities on taus: LFV CPV in asymmetries using T odd observables: Is the polarization of one beam needed for a symmetric operation below Y4s with 10 35 ? Non Flavor Physics –Talk of R.Baldini

14 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi14 Machine design under discussion USE of ILC DR + ILC FF Requires virtually no R&D -Uses all the work done for ILC -Ring and ff layouts virtually done, 3km circunference rings -100% Synergy with ILC -IR extremely simplified 80-100 m straight line -Beam stay clear about 30sigmas with 1cm radius beam pipe -Currents around 1.5Amps -Background better than PEP and KEKB -Possibly to operate at the tau with L=10^35 -Polarization of one beam considered -UNDER STUDY the possibility to run down to the phi with lumi< 10^34 -Total cost about half of the ILC e+ DRs (2 e+ 6km rings in ILC) -Power around 40MW, still to be further optimized (goal 25MW) -Possible to reuse PEP RF system, power supplies, Vacuum pumps, etc., further reducing the overall cost -Needs the standard injector system, probably a C-band 7GeV linac like in KEKB upgrade (already designed)

15 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi15 Machine Requirements Peak luminosity at Y4s > 10 36 Geometrical acceptance> 99% Background in the detector < present background in BaBar and Belle Narrow beams and low bkgd allowing better vertexing Possible operations at lower energy as a symmetric SuperTauCharm One polarized beam should be available, allowing direct measurements of asymmetris due to T odd observables in tau decay with a sensitivity of the order 10 -5 No need of any major R&D Cost between 4 and 10% of ILC. Wall power <<50MW

16 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi16 Machine goal The Linear colliding machine with multibunch collision, fast extraction from DR into SC linacs as discussed in November is terribly appealing since inside the detector a very low background is expected allowing furter upgrades toward higher luminosity. What about a machine level 0 based on a very conservative design with single bunch collision giving without any major R&D and possibly allowing the reuse of components of PEPII? YES but this machine should allow further improvements for higher luminosity, low background in the detector as evaluated in the November workshop. That is the winning card!

17 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi17 R&D One of the goals of this workshop is the organization of the R&D program for the machine and the detector. Identify resources Define time and milestones

18 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi18 Since nov 12,2005

19 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi19 Since november In December 2005 the INFN management has give the green light to form an International Study Group on Super Flavor Factory with the charge of evaluating posibilities to study charm and taus as well as B’s and eventually run also at 1 GeV (Phi).

20 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi20 Since november The Super Flavor Factory was successfully discussed at the end of January 2006 in Orsay at the Open Symposium on the european strategy group and more recently 2 weeks ago in a round table chaired by L.Maiani at DIF06. The next may at Cern in the workshop on flavour Physics in the era of LHC there will be a full sesson devoted to our project and to Super KEKB

21 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi21 Since November As the coordinator of the International Study Group I started forming a Steering Committee representative of various regions and Laboratories. Based on the concept of the maximum synergy with the ILC effort, the Steering Committee will help me in the coordination of the activity of the Group, providing resources, identifying the common field of activity with the ILC effort including R&D and supervising the preparation of the final document that within the current year should be presented to the management of the INFN.

22 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi22 Steering Committee M.A.Giorgi-Coordinator D.Leith-advisor to the coordinator D.Asner,M.Roney-Canada F.LeDiberder,G,Wormser-France T.Haas,J.Sekutowicz-Germany S.Bertolucci,F.Bedeschi,S,Bianco-Italy E.Levichev-Russia D.Espriu-Spain P.Harrison,R.Jones-UK D.Hitlin,D.MacFarlane,J.Seeman-US I don’t consider this list final and exhausted, I will add other names soon from the listed regions! I hope to be also able to add names from Japan.

23 2 nd workshop on SuperB 16.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi23 First meeting of the steering Committee After the afternoon sessions at 18.00

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