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District PD 2 nd grade: Heidi Vondrak, Billy Welch, Amy Rojas.

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Presentation on theme: "District PD 2 nd grade: Heidi Vondrak, Billy Welch, Amy Rojas."— Presentation transcript:

1 District PD 2 nd grade: Heidi Vondrak, Billy Welch, Amy Rojas


3 Today we will ……  Discuss Curriculum Leadership Structure (PLC)  Explore FreshDesk/HelpDesk, Instruction and the District Curriculum Folder.  Answer some reading, math and science survey questions  Infinite Campus Collaboration (Use all subject assessment calendar as a guide)  Investigate Iowa Core Website (

4 SCCSD Curriculum Focus 5 PLC’s focus on collaborative decision making. Teacher Consultants

5 What Knowledge and Skills Should Every Student Acquire? Iowa Core Standards (new website SCCSD Power Standards How we instruct and the materials we use vary to meet the needs of our diverse learners in all content areas. Collaborative decision making K-5 with valuable teacher input.

6 How Will We Know When Each Student Has Acquired the Essential Knowledge and Skills? Formative and Summative Assessments Assessments guide classroom instruction. Provide a common focus.  Inform parents and students about student progress.

7 How Will We Respond When Some Students Do Not Learn? Using the assessment data, we can differentiate by providing: Small group instruction Whole group instruction Interventions Enrichment

8 Shout out! -10 minutes FreshDesk (HelpDesk) Instruction * assessment calendars will have points included. District Curriculum Folder 1.How do I review a student’s report card after I post grades? 2.How can I view a district reading assessment? 3.Where can I find a complete list of standards for each subject by quarter? 4.What are the benchmarks for FAST? 5.How do I set up my class on Think Central? 6.How can I install a printer to my computer? 7.Where can I find additional resources to support the standards? 8.What do I do when the information I am looking for isn’t on here?

9 Additional Questions? Write your question on a sticky and post on the parking lot.

10 Literacy 15 Writing rubric: Post grades-4,3,2,1 A “4” is generated automatically if the student gets all answers on their first try. Once a student has entered a re-teaching cycle, the student can demonstrate proficiency-a score of 3. Give pre and post reading tests Reading and Writing Gallery Walk What materials/instructional strategies do we use to meet the writing standards? What materials/instructional strategies do we use to meet the reading standards? ReadingWriting

11 Math 10 Go Math Pacing Quarter 4 math retests- Why wait until 4 th quarter?

12 SCIENCE It’s important that you are utilizing the kits that are coming to your buildings. Piloting-match assessment you are using with one standard per quarter in Infinite Campus Fusion (Resources in Think Central) Pearson (Science Interactive) National Geographic Adoption of new Science Program will be next year. Foss is the same Rubric for lab notebook 5pts. Assessments 10 pts. Need Supplies???? Submit Ticket in Instruction Order your live organisms using the Instruction Website.

13 Today we……  Discussed the Curriculum Leadership Structure (PLC)  Explored FreshDesk/HelpDesk, Instruction and the District Curriculum Folder.  Answered some reading, math and science questions.

14 Infinite Campus and Iowa Core Collaboration Time to explore Infinite Campus and Iowa Core Website. Dec 18 End 2nd Qtr. (43 days) Mar 11 End 3rd Qtr. (47 days) May 27 End 4th Qtr. (47 days)

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