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For every change in a given behavior there must be an underlying change in the neural circuitry that mediates that change Mechanisms of control of plasticity:

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Presentation on theme: "For every change in a given behavior there must be an underlying change in the neural circuitry that mediates that change Mechanisms of control of plasticity:"— Presentation transcript:

1 For every change in a given behavior there must be an underlying change in the neural circuitry that mediates that change Mechanisms of control of plasticity: Development/genes imprinting language acquisition song learning Environment associations (classical and instrumental learning) lack of associations (habituation) Neural and behavioral plasticity

2 Olfactory learning in Manduca sexta

3 Antennal lobe anatomy: analogue of the vertebrate olfactory bulb

4 Development of an olfactory-learning behavioral paradigm EMG electrode in feeding muscle exposed proboscis tip for sucrose application reference electrode odor blown across antennae Daly and Smith J Exp. Biol (2000) Moths normally do not respond to odor with a feeding response Moths innately respond to sugar water with a feeding response, which can be measured with electromyography Prediction: If odor predicts food AND moths learn then moths should produce an anticipatory feeding response to odor if odor and food are paired. Measures: Change in feeding muscle activity Extension of the proboscis

5 Assessing the contribution of associative and non associative effects A. C. B. odor (CS) food (US) on off CS US CS US forward-paired and air-paired CS-US relationship backward-paired CS-US relationship random-paired CS-US relationship on -25sec +25sec 4 sec

6 A. prepost 05 10 B. prepost 0510 D. prepost 05 10 Time (sec) C. prepost 05 10 Time (sec) Characteristic EMG Responses Pre-conditioningAfter forward-pairing 24+ h after Forward-pairing After backward and random- pairing odor on

7 Acquisition of conditioned response 312654. 0.10 Geraniol Conditioning Trials Response probability forward pairing random pairing air forward pairing N=40/group

8 air- forward pairing TRIAL forward pairing backward pairing random pairing BEFORE TRIAL 1 BETWEEN TRIALS 5 & 6 AFTER TRIAL 10 CHANGE IN EMG SPIKE FREQUENCY (POST-PRE) 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 6 10 9 Test Trial (EMG Response) Only forward pairing produces a conditioned response *N=30 per group

9 How does this learning influence behavior in free flying moths?

10 In-flight odor response of conditioned moths to conditioning odor Mean post-conditioning wind tunnel odor response:Forward-paired vs Odor-only 0 20 40 60 Odor- mediated Flight Reach Source Proboscis Extension at Odor Source Observed behavior % Response Forward-paired Odor-only N=20/group

11 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Percent CR cyclohexanone methyl jasmonate 12345 6 Olfactory learning is conditional: biologically meaningful odors resist learning N=40/group MJ –/CH +CH –/MJ + Delta spike frequency 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 N=40/group 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 MS –/CH +CH –/MS + Delta spike frequency N=40/group

12 Olfactory learning can be used to assay ability: Generalization of CR to odors of increasing difference Conditioning odor Odor dimension (carbon chain length) Generalization gradient | Similar odors || Different odorsDifferent odors | Response probability

13 . 0 123456 Conditioning Trials Response probability 2-hexanone 1-hexanol 1-decanol Acquisition of CR to the conditioning odor N=80/group

14 1-Hexanol 1-Heptanol 2-Heptanone 1-Octanol 2-Octanone 1-Decanol 2-Hexanone Cyclohexanone. 0 Response probability 1-Hexanol 1-Heptanol 2-Heptanone 1-Octanol 2-Octanone 1-Decanol 2-Decanone Cyclohexanone Response probability. 0 2-Hexanone 1-Heptanol 2-Heptanone 1-Octanol 2-Octanone 1-Decanol 2-Decanone Cyclohexanone Response probability. 0 CS ketone alcohol cyclohexanone Generalization of the CR to conditioning and test odors N=80/group

15 Inhibitory gradient Summation of + and – gradients along a single odor dimension Summed inhibitory and excitatory gradients Excitatory generalization gradient Theoretical odor dimension

16 . 0 12 34 56 Conditioning Trials Response probability 1-octanol (A) 1-hexanol (B). 0 1-Heptanol 1-Octanol 1-Decanol 1-Hexanol 1-nonanol Response probability (CS+) (CS-) Differential conditioning produces + and – gradients which overlap along a single dimension and summate in predictable ways.

17 .60 0 12 34 56 Conditioning Trials A. Response probability 1-heptanol (+) 1-hexanol (-) 1-Heptanol 1-Octanol 1-Decanol 1-Hexanol. 0 (+) (-) B. Response probability a b a a Differential conditioning produces + and – gradients which overlap along a single dimension and summate in predictable ways.

18 Learning related change in the Al implies feedback

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