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Experimental Statistics - week 9
Chapter 18: Repeated Measures
Repeated Measures with a Single Factor
Time Subject Reading for ith time period jth subject
Single Factor Repeated Measures Designs
single factor repeated measures model is similar to the randomized complete block model - i.e. 2 factors (subject and time) with one observation cell - since there is only one observation per cell, we cannot estimate an interaction term typically: - subject is a random effect - time is a fixed effect time subject
Repeated Measure Design with Single Factor
ANOVA Table for Repeated Measure Design with Single Factor Source SS df MS EMS F Between subjects SSP n MSP MSP/MSE Time SSA a MSA MSA/MSE Error SSE (n - 1)(a- 1) MSE Total TSS an - 1
Data – 5 subjects take tablet
-- blood samples taken .5, 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours after ingestion Goal: understand rate at which medicine enters blood Time Subject
Dependent Variable: conc
Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model <.0001 Error Corrected Total R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE conc Mean Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F subject time <.000
The GLM Procedure t Tests (LSD) for conc NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate. Alpha Error Degrees of Freedom Error Mean Square Critical Value of t Least Significant Difference Means with the same letter are not significantly different. t Group Mean N time A B B B C D
Residual Diagnostics – 1-factor Repeated Measures Data
Note: An additional assumption (related to the equal variance assumption) is that of sphericity -- the assumption that pairwise differences between times all have the same population variances -- compound symmetry is a related (more stringent) requirement -- discussed briefly in text -- beyond scope of this course
Two-Factor Repeated Measure Data (p.1033)
Data – 10 subjects (5 take tablet, 5 take capsule) -- blood samples .5, 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours after ingestion Goal: compare blood concentration patterns of the two methods of administration Tablet Capsule Time Subject Time Subject
2-Factor with Repeated Measure -- Model
type subject within type type by time interaction time NOTES: type and time are both fixed effects in the current example - we say “subject is nested within type” - Expected Mean Squares given on page 1032
PROC GLM; CLASS type subject time; MODEL conc=type subject(type) time type*time; TITLE 'Repeated Measures – 2 factors'; OUTPUT out=new r=resid; MEANS type time/LSD; RANDOM subject(type)/test;
2-Factor Repeated Measures – ANOVA Output
The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: conc Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model <.0001 Error Corrected Total R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE conc Mean Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F type subject(type) <.0001 time <.0001 type*time <.0001
2-factor Repeated Measures
Source Type III Expected Mean Square type Var(Error) + 5 Var(subject(type)) + Q(type,type*time) subject(type) Var(Error) + 5 Var(subject(type)) time Var(Error) + Q(time,type*time) type*time Var(Error) + Q(type*time) The GLM Procedure Tests of Hypotheses for Mixed Model Analysis of Variance Dependent Variable: conc Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F * type Error Error: MS(subject(type)) * This test assumes one or more other fixed effects are zero. Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F subject(type) <.0001 * time <.0001 type*time <.0001 Error: MS(Error)
NOTE: Since time x type interaction is significant, and since these are fixed effects we DO NOT test main effects – we compare cell means (using MSE) Cell Means C T
Note on Multiple Comparisons:
If there had NOT been a significant interaction, then the LSD to compare cell means: (a) for time – use MSE (SAS will give these results) (b) for type – use MS(subject(type)) (SAS will NOT give these results)
SAS LSD Output for Comparing Times
Alpha Error Degrees of Freedom Error Mean Square Critical Value of t Least Significant Difference Means with the same letter are not significantly different. t Grouping Mean N time A A A B C D
Diagnostic Plots for 2-Factor Repeated Measures Data
Write-up related to the SAS output.
Note, that even though we get a significant variance component due to subject(within group) I did not estimate the variance component itself. (I did not give this particular variance component estimation formula.)
Dealing with Normality/Equal Variance Issues
Normalizing Transformations: - log - square root - Box-Cox transformations Note: the normalizing transformations sometimes also produce variance stabilization
Nonparametric “ANOVA”
Man-Whitney U – for comparing 2 independent samples Kruskal-Wallis Test – for comparing >2 independent samples Friedman’s Test – nonparametric alternative to randomized complete block/ factor repeated measures design
Section 2 Regression Analysis
Scatter Diagram (Scatterplot)
Histogram displays distribution of 1 variable Scatter Diagram (Scatterplot) displays joint distribution of 2 variables plots data as “points” in the “x-y plane.”
Association Between Two Variables
indicates that knowing one helps in predicting the other Linear Association our interest in this course points “swarm” about a line Correlation Analysis measures the strength of linear association
Hypothetical Father-Son Data
Son’s Height in Inches Father’s Height in Inches
Regression Analysis Dependent Variable (Y) Independent Variable (X)
We want to predict the dependent variable - response variable using the independent variable - explanatory variable - predictor variable Dependent Variable (Y) Independent Variable (X) More than one independent variable – Multiple Regression
11.7 Correlation Analysis
Correlation Coefficient - measures linear association
perfect no perfect negative linear positive relationship relationship relationship Denoted r or ryx
Positive Correlation - - high values of one variable are associated with high values of the other
3 2 1 Examples: - father’s height, son’s height - daily grade, final grade r = 0.93 for plot on the left
Negative Correlation - - high with low, low with high
Examples: - car age, selling price - days absent, final grade r = for plot shown here 4 3 2 1
Zero Correlation - - no linear relationship
5 4 3 2 1 Examples: - height, IQ score r = 0.0 for plot here
-.75, 0, .5, .99
Calculating the Correlation Coefficient
Notation: So --
Find r The data below are the study times and the test scores
on an exam given over the material covered during the two weeks. Study Time Exam (hours) Score (X) (Y) Find r
DATA one; INPUT time score; DATALINES; 10 92 15 81 12 84 20 74 8 85 16 80 14 84 22 80 ; PROC CORR; Var score time; TITLE ‘Study Time by Score'; RUN; PROC PLOT; PLOT time*score; PROC GPLOT;
The CORR Procedure 2 Variables: score time Simple Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Sum Minimum Maximum score time Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 8 Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0 score time score 0.0239 time Study Time by Score
PROC PLOT Plot of score*time. Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.
‚ 92 ˆ A 91 ˆ 90 ˆ 89 ˆ 88 ˆ 87 ˆ 86 ˆ 85 ˆ A 84 ˆ A A 83 ˆ 82 ˆ 81 ˆ A 80 ˆ A A 79 ˆ 78 ˆ 77 ˆ 76 ˆ 75 ˆ 74 ˆ A Šƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒƒƒƒˆƒƒ time
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