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Emergencies in Dental Office

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1 Emergencies in Dental Office
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Greta Pamparaitė, OF5

2 Vocabulary fasting – pasninkavimas dizziness - galvos sukimasis
angina pectoris – krūtinės angina dyspnea - dusulys vomiting - vimdymas resuscitation - atgaivinimas artificial ventilation - dirbtinis kvėpavimas collapse – susmukti, griūvimas

3 Contents Introduction Most common emergencies in dental office
Symptoms and signs of emergencies Management Emergency kit Conclusion

4 Preparation to manage medical emergencies
The treatment by the dentist requires: Preparation Prevention Management The dentists should be skillful in: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) maintaining airway immediate diagnosis of the emergency condition

5 Common emergencies in dental practice
Syncope/fainting Chest pain Angina pectoris Myocardial infarction Cardiac arrest Anaphylactic shock Stroke

6 Syncope(1) Symptoms and signs: fear, anxiety, pain weakness fasting
pale skin dizziness loss of consciousness slow pulse rate

7 Syncope(2) Management To lay the patient flat as soon as possible and raise the legs to improve venous return Loosen any tight clothes

8 Chest pain(1) Causes: Angina pectoris 2. Myocardial infarction
pain lasts for only a short duration 2. Myocardial infarction pain persists for long duration is more severe than angina pectoris

9 Chest pain(2) Symptoms and signs:
severe chest pain in substernal region dyspnea/breathless vomiting weak pulse loss of consciousness

10 Chest pain(3) Call 112 or 03 Management to relieve pain and anxiety
to call for medical assistance allow patient to rest in his most comfortable position loosen tight clothes around the neck. Call 112 or 03

11 Cardiac arrest Symptoms and signs: fainting or collapse
respiratory arrest Management: external cardiac massage artificial ventilation immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation

12 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

13 Anaphylactic shock Symptoms and signs: abdominal pain flushing of face
pallor rapid & weak pulse   Management : make the patient lie down flat with legs raised oxygen administration and medical help

14 Cerebrovascular accidents (stroke)
 Symptoms and signs: loss of consciousness weakness of arm and leg on one side drooping of one side of face Management maintenance of airway hospitalization

15 Emergency kit in dental office
Epinephrine Nitroglycerin Instant glucose or sugar packets Oxygen cylinder with mask Laryngoscope Oral airways

16 Emergency kit in dental office
Laryngoscope Oral airways

17 Questions Which emergencies are the most common? How to perform CPR?
What should you do if your patient is collapsed? What supplies should be in emergency kit? Which number we should dial for emergency assistance?

18 Thank you for attention

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