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To Mr. Lawson’s Homeroom When you come in… Pick a cubby, put your things in it. You need a pencil. Work will be on your desk, start on it immediately!

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Presentation on theme: "To Mr. Lawson’s Homeroom When you come in… Pick a cubby, put your things in it. You need a pencil. Work will be on your desk, start on it immediately!"— Presentation transcript:


2 To Mr. Lawson’s Homeroom

3 When you come in… Pick a cubby, put your things in it. You need a pencil. Work will be on your desk, start on it immediately! We have lots to do, therefore you have no time to chit – chat. A.K.A NO TALKING. NO DRAMA I will assign seats LATER.


5 Expectations/Cond uct

6 Follow directions Respect others Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Do not talk unless you raise your hand and the teacher calls on you DO NOT “ write checks you cannot cash “ Come to class prepared to work Carpe’ Diem! Expectations


8 Yeah, THAT happened…. so Warning Silent lunch Loss of 5 minutes of Recess Sent to another teacher Call home

9 Notice what is NOT there! Note that Mrs. Meredith is NOT mentioned in the consequences. Note that detention/suspension is also NOT mentioned in the consequences. So what would get you in THAT much trouble….

10 Major Offenses Fighting Drugs/Tobacco/Weapons Contraband/Inappropriate things Things that may or may not involve the police.


12 What to do if…. Sick Bathroom Late Forgot stuff Need to go to the office for n Bus problem Going home early



15 BATHROOM It’s a bathroom, not a vacation! We go 4x4, that is 4 at a time. We are silent while we wait and when we go in. There will be 2 bathroom breaks during the day.

16 Cafeteria We will be silent until seated or spoken to by an adult. We go through the line 4x4 ( 4 at a time ) When we eat, we may talk quietly. No taking food, reaching across the table, throwing ANYTHING or other nonsense.


18 Internet Use You MUST turn in the signed A.U.P. paper by FRIDAY. IF you do not follow directions in the lab you will lose your internet privilege for a period of time.

19 Getting to know you Who are you? Where are you from? What is your quest?


21 How to treat others If you have nothing good to say; say nothing! Agree to disagree! Do not gossip Be a good winner and good sport at all things. Bullying.

22 Respect Respect is EARNED not given. Respect demanded is never given: Respect earned is never lost.

23 Bus Rules We line up BY BUS We are quiet until we get ON the bus! T.A.P. applies until we are ON THE BUS!

24 Finally I like many things. One of them is animation.

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