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The Great War World War 1. Causes of the War The Roots of War- the cause of this war were in place long before the first battle took place. – Nationalism-

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Presentation on theme: "The Great War World War 1. Causes of the War The Roots of War- the cause of this war were in place long before the first battle took place. – Nationalism-"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great War World War 1

2 Causes of the War The Roots of War- the cause of this war were in place long before the first battle took place. – Nationalism- pride in ones country. This feeling swept across Europe causing nations more concerned with their own interested instead of international interests. – Militarism- process by which a nation builds up its military might for the purpose for intimidation and deterring other countries

3 Causes of the War – Alliances- agreements between nations to help each other in the event of war. Triple Entente- alliance formed between Britain, France, and Russia. Later to be named the Allied Powers Triple Alliance- alliance formed between Germany, Austria-Hungary and later Italy. Later to be named the Central Powers, Ital switches sides, and the Ottoman Empire joins. – Imperialism

4 The Beginning The beginning of the War – June 28, 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated in the province of Bosnia – Archduke Francis Ferdinand – heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary visited the province of Bosnia. Inside this province was a Serbian nationalist group the Backhand. The members of this group were radicals that believed that Bosnia belonged to Serbia not Austria-Hungary

5 The Beginning Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand- one of the members of the Backhand assassinated the Archduke. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for plotting the assassination and threaten war. Mobilization- Russia which was allied with Serbia vowed to intervene and began readying their troops for war. Kaiser Wilhelm II- leader of Germany was soon brought into the situation because of the alliance with Austria- Hungary. Within two months all the dominos had fallen and Europe was divided and at War. The Triple Entente fought against the Central Powers.

6 Which nations signed the Triple Alliance? Which signed the Triple Entente?


8 What happened to the two alliances? What does the yellow color mean?

9 World War I The Fighting Starts – August 3, 1914 Germany invaded Belgium. They did this because Germany wanted to circle around through Belgium to get to Paris. This is the VON SCHLIEFFEN PLAN! – Unable to save Belgium the Allies retreat to the Marne River (First Battle of the Marne). Both sides dug in trenches to hold each other back. – First Battle of the Somme, July 1, 1916 – September 1916, 1.2 million causalities, and only 7 miles of land was gained.

10 Gallipoli April 25, 1915 the Allies land a multinational force on the Gallipoli peninsula. The Turkish army successfully defends the peninsula and stalemate sets in, with both sides developing a system of trenches. January 9, 1916, the Allies complete their withdrawal from Gallipoli, having incurred over 250,000 casualties, including over 46,000 dead. Lesson? ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK doesn’t always work.

11 Verdun The German attack on Verdun on February 21, 1916 was a complete surprise to the French. German heavy guns quickly reduce the French trench system into isolated pieces, forcing soldiers to fight in small groups with no tactical links. Verdun exemplifies the "war of attrition," costing both sides over 300,000 dead, and over 750,000 wounded, with little change to the front line. This battle took ALMOST A YEAR. “Battle,” yeah, right.

12 Battle of the Somme British General Douglas Haig orders a massive bombardment of the German lines that begins June 24, 1916 and lasts over a week. German troops hunker down under the bombardment, the sound of which can be heard across the English Channel. July 1, 1916 - British attack German lines suffering the most casualties in a single day in British military history - 20,000 killed; 40,000 wounded. The Somme offensive ends on November 18, 1916, with British forces gaining less than 10 miles of ground for their efforts. NO ONE knew what was going on for the FOUR + ½ MONTHS of the fight. The artillery was supposed to clear the way. It didn’t.

13 Third Battle of Ypres On June 7, 1917 British forces set off giant mines under German lines, causing great damage. British troops advance and capture German lines. In August 1917, unusually heavy rains turn the battlefield into a morass of mud. On November 6, 1917, the third Battle of Ypres ends with marginal gains for the Allies, but not the breakthrough hoped for. By now, the Americans have arrived.

14 Reasons America Enters the War Sinking of the Lusitania German U-Boats attacking American shipping Zimmermann Note





















35 The End of the War November 3 1918, German sailors in the northern town of Keil mutinied. Within days councils of workers and soldiers formed in Germany and took over military and civilian offices. Fearing for his life Kaiser Wilhem II left Germany on November 9. With the Kaiser gone, Social Democrats under the leadership of Friedrich Ebert announced the creation of a Democratic Republic.

36 The End of the War Two days later on November 11, the German Government signed an Armistice (a cease fire agreement) Paris Peace Conference – Allied forces in Europe wanted German to pay for the damages it caused throughout Europe – President Woodrow Wilson set out for peace.

37 Fourteen Points Fourteen Points- President Wilson had no desire to punish Germany or seek territory from the victory. President Wilson only wanted to help establish peace and stability in Europe. His fourteen points consisted of the reduction in armaments, the right of self- determination for ethnic groups like Austria-Hungary, Wilson also called for the founding of the League of Nations- to provide a place for countries to talk about their differences rather than go to war.

38 Treaty of Versailles June 1919 While President Wilson wanted peace and stability his European allies wanted retribution. 8 million Europeans died in WWI The Allies forced Germany to sign the Treaty The Treaty called for Germany to take full responsibility for the war and to impose on Germany harsh conditions













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