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Capstone Presentation

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1 Capstone Presentation
Senior Assembly Capstone Presentation

2 What is a Capstone Project?
A year-long project that includes extensive research and a minute presentation.

3 What do I have to do? Choose a Capstone Advisor (If you are not in Ms. Parasiliti’s class it will be your advisor unless you make an agreement with someone else). Choose a topic you are very interested in. Research the topic. Submit a paper summarizing your research to advisor. Do some personal research – interviews, experiences, etc. Prepare presentation.

4 Why should I do it? Capstone is a graduation requirement. You will only get a diploma after completing capstone.

5 CAPSTONE: Short Term Milestones
Choose a topic and it to your advisor by the end of September at least 5 sources to your advisor for approval by October 16th. Complete Annotated Bibliography on first 5 sources by Thanksgiving (at least one paragraph on each source and a paragraph explaining what you think your presentation is going to be about).

6 Brainstorming Capstone Ideas
What are some topics that interest me? Examples: What is the history of the company where I had my internship? What kinds of career opportunities are available at the company where I had my internship? What kinds of careers are available in the area that interests me? How has skateboarding evolved over the past 50 years? What can we do about police brutality? What made Martin Luther King such a great leader? What can be done to reduce violence against women? How can I research this topic?

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