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Globus, CoG Kit, Web portals, and Road to Grid Fugang Wang Grid Seminar II, Fall 2008 Oct. 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Globus, CoG Kit, Web portals, and Road to Grid Fugang Wang Grid Seminar II, Fall 2008 Oct. 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globus, CoG Kit, Web portals, and Road to Grid Fugang Wang Grid Seminar II, Fall 2008 Oct. 2008

2 Agenda Approaches to access Grid - Infrastructure - Middleware - Grid Portal Portal technologies - JSR 168 / WSRP - Web 2.0 applied to portal Grid portals – a survey - Teragrid portal, Gridsphere, OGCE, … Demo of current JavaScript CoG Kit based portal Conclusions and Discussion

3 Approaches to access Grid Grid Infrastructure - Condor, PBS, LSF, SGE - Globus, UNICORE, EGEE, Legion Middleware/Upperware - CoG Kit - Gridway - Gridshell Grid Portal - Teragrid portal, Gridsphere, OGCE

4 Portal technologies – JSR168/WSRP Java Portlet Specification (JSR168) Portlets Container Login Info FAQ Welcome Server Portlet Window Portlet Fragment …… Portal Server Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)

5 Portal technologies – Web 2.0 Web 2.0 technologies applied to web portals - Web 2.0, a buzz word - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) - Representational State Transfer (REST) - Mashup - Atom and RSS

6 Portal technologies – Web 2.0 Ajax - XML as data interchange medium - Asynchronous communication with server side - XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript to manipulate and render DOM components - Decrease user waiting time and increase user experience Static pages, CGI, Servlet Web page Web Browser Web Server Ajax engine JS code, CSS, libraries, web resources Rendered Web page

7 Portal technologies – Web 2.0 REST/RESTful - Roy Fielding’s doctoral dissertation in 2000 - Resource = functionality + state - Unique addressable through URI for each resource - Stateless protocol, eliminating the use of additional message layer such as XML or session maintaining using cookies - Simplicity is beauty RSS and Atom - Publish “feed” - Subscribe and read

8 Portal technologies – Web 2.0 Mashup - Data from multiple sources - Mingle and combine - Presented in a new perspective Site A Site B Site C Web Service Web Client

9 Portal technologies – Web 2.0 Mashup applied to JavaScript Grid Portal - Shows mashup happens both in server side and client side Teragrid Host A Teragrid Host B Teragrid REST Info service JavaScript CoG Kit server code JavaScript API & Portal

10 Portal technologies – A Comparison JSR168 Portal - Generate markup segments for each portlet and assembly them into a full page - Info aggregated at server side - Portlets displayed side-by-side - Old technologies and about to outdate Web 2.0 Portal - Combine raw data from different site/web services - Content aggregation can happen in server side or client side - Could combine data from different source and present in a totally new way - Web 2.0 technologies used to provide better user experience

11 Grid portals – A Survey GridSphere (uses Myproxy and CoG Kit) - OGCE portlets (uses Myproxy and CoG Kit) - Teragrid user portal - - Provide teragrid related information - GSI-SSH terminal - Use GridSphere for some functionalities like file management Other portals - Genius, Legion, Pegasus, …

12 Grid portals – Web 2.0 Grid portal

13 Conclusions and Discussion Road to Grid - Abstraction and reuse - More user-friendly and lower barrier - Less user involved setup and configuration - Architecture gets more complicated - Hide more complexity behind the “cloud” Trends - Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) / Web services - Software As A Service (SAAS) - Web application / Rich Internet Application - Cloud Discussion?

14 References Java CoG Kit. Globus Toolkit. JSR 168: Portlet Specification. OASIS Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP). http://www.oasis- Myrit portal. http://my.rit.edu Teragrid user portal. http://www.teragrid.org Gridsphere portal framework. The Open Grid Computing Environments Portal and Gateway Toolkit (OGCE Portal). D. Gannon, J. Alameda, O. Chipara, M. Christie, V. Dukle, L. Fang, M. Farrellee, G. Kandaswamy, D. Kodeboyina, S. Krishnan, C. Moad, M. Pierce, B. Plale, A. Rossi, Y. Simmhan, A. Sarangi, A. Slominski, S. Shirasuna, and T. Thomas, "Building grid portal applications from a web service component architecture," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 551-563, 2005. [Online]. Available:

15 References – cont’d Thomas, M., Burruss, J., Cinquini, L., Fox, G., Gannon, D., Glilbert, I., von Laszewski, G., Jackson, K., Middleton, D., Moore, R., Pierce, M., Plale, B., Rajasekar, A., Regno, R., Roberts, E., Schissel, D., Seth, A., Schroeder, W.: Grid portal architectures for scientific applications. J. Phys. 16, 596–600 (2005) R. Barbera, A. Falzone, A. Rodolico: “The GENIUS Grid Portal”, Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, 24-28 March 2003, La Jolla, California Anand Natrajan, Anh Nguyen-Tuong, Marty A. Humphrey and Andrew S. Grimshaw, “The Legion Grid Portal”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Vol. 14, Grid Computing environments Special Issue 13-14, 2002. G. Singh, E. Deelman, G. Mehta, K. Vahi, M. Su, B. Berriman, J. Good, J. Jacob, D. Katz, A. Lazzarini, K. Blackburn, S. Koranda, "The Pegasus Portal: Web Based Grid Computing", The 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Santa Fe, NM, Mar. 13 -17, 2005.

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