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The End of the French Republic SWBAT: explain how the French Revolution ends and how Napoleon rises from its ashes. Homework: Vocab is due tomorrow. Do.

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Presentation on theme: "The End of the French Republic SWBAT: explain how the French Revolution ends and how Napoleon rises from its ashes. Homework: Vocab is due tomorrow. Do."— Presentation transcript:

1 The End of the French Republic SWBAT: explain how the French Revolution ends and how Napoleon rises from its ashes. Homework: Vocab is due tomorrow. Do Now: Do you believe in destiny?

2 Paragraph Reponses Prompt: The Committee of Public Safety was established to protect the Revolution from its enemies. Based on the documents you read, do you think the Committee of Public Safety actually protected the Revolution from its enemies? What did you decide?

3 Why did the Committee go astray? Paranoia of enemies and revolutionary extremism. Robespierre, the leader of the Committee stated: “It is necessary to annihilate both the internal and external enemies of the republic or perish with its fall”. This lead to the Reign of Terror. policy through which the state used violent repression to crush resistance to the government. This is where we get mass use of the guillotine.

4 "Cest affreux mais nécessaire” It is dreadful, but necessary

5 End of the Terror In Spring, 1794, France was winning the war against Austria. Danton, one of the orchestrators of the Reign of Terror, made it clear he thought the revolution had met its goals and should be relaxed. Robespierre put Danton to death. Danton’s death scares Robespierre’s supporters who then in turn put him to death by guillotine. Robespierre’s death marks the end of the Reign of Terror.

6 The Final Toll The Reign of Terror last ~15 months. The death toll ranged in the tens of thousands, with 16,594 executed by guillotine in Paris and another 25,000 in executions across France. The victims: the Committee executed twice as many bourgeoisie as nobles, and more than twice as many peasants as bourgeoisie. Camille Desmoulins and wife Lucile with son Horace. Orchestrators of the storming of the Bastille. The couple was executed. Painted by Jacques-Louis David. 1792.

7 Victims of the Revolution Marie Antoinette Top: Olympe de Gouges Right: Madame Élisabeth, Louis VXI’s sister Left: Antoine Lavoisier (father of modern chemistry) and wife. Bottom: Prince Louis XVII

8 The National Convention- it did do some good things Opened schools and supported mandatory education. Abolished slavery in French colonies. Est. the metric system. Completed a new constitution creating a government call the Directory. Est. a 2 house legislature. The upper house chose members of the executive branch, called the directors. However, only property owning men could vote. Why is this last part interesting?

9 Do you believe in destiny? Why or why not?

10 The Rise of a New Leader The Directory only governed France for 4 years. The 5 directors could never agree and it didn’t solve France’s economic issues. It paved the way for a new leader to rise up named Napoleon Bonaparte. From Corsica, not France. Went to military school in France to learn battle strategy. General in the French army by age 26. Military genius

11 Napoleon 9.00

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