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EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 European Observatories in Education and Quality Claudio Dondi SCIENTER MENON Network EEIG.

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Presentation on theme: "EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 European Observatories in Education and Quality Claudio Dondi SCIENTER MENON Network EEIG."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 European Observatories in Education and Quality Claudio Dondi SCIENTER MENON Network EEIG

2 EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 Observing eLearning in Europe BEACON MESO L-CHANGEDELOS European eLearning Observatory 92 – 94 DELTA 96 – 98 MULTIMEDIA 2000 - 2002 MINERVA – IST – LEONARDO – e- LEARNING ACTION PLAN 2003  OECD - CERI

3 EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 “Observatory Projects” across EC programmes eWatch SOCRATES Minerva L-Change IST KAIII POLE SOCRATES Observation Activities Monitoring of policies and innovative practices related to the use of ICT in European schools Monitoring of ICT impact on E&T in Europe and in the US with a market perspective Analyse and asses the impact of ICT in the implementation of Lifelong Learning policies and practices in Europe

4 EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 “Observatory Projects” across EC programmes DELOS eLearning Action Plan SEEQUEL eLearning Action Plan Identification of relevant qualitative and quantitative indicators to measure ICT impact on E&T Creation of the European eLearning Quality Forum, a sustainable environment for dialogue, consensus building and policy support in the field of quality for eLearning

5 EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 DELOS Integrated Shortlist of eLearning Indicators 1. Access 2. Social Inclusion 3. Quality 4. Cost Effectiveness 5. Employability 6. Personal Development & Citizenship 7. ICT & Content Industry 8. Organisational Change 9. Internationalisation of E&T 10. E&T Innovation 1. % of population using Internet for improving E/T 2. ICT exp. on total E/T expenditure 3. % of e-Learning expressed demand on overall E/T demand 4. Budget for TT in ICT as a % of total E/T budget 5. N° of new courses offered on internet per year 6. % of educators using ICT in teaching time

6 EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 DELOS Integrated Shortlist of eLearning Indicators

7 EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 DELOS Integrated Shortlist of eLearning Indicators

8 EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 DELOS Integrated Shortlist of eLearning Indicators

9 EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 L-Change Yearly report – main conclusions Market, Practice and Technology trends eLearning: a smaller growth than predicted  Slowdown of economic growth and ICT market growth  Effects of population ageing on e-Learning  Increasing personalisation and individualisation  Mergers and acquisitions are slowing down  School segment slowly, but positively evolving  eUniversities: both regional and global  Piracy in education?  Threatened monopolies: the case of Open Source Software  Growing quality awareness  Reuse, VLE, m-Learning: big promises still underdeveloped  Growing integration of services and of eLearning with face to face learning (blended learning)

10 EDEN Conference – Rhodes, 17/06/2003 L-Change Yearly report – main conclusions Policy and research orientation E-Learning policies: from infrastructure to skills and quality of learning  Increasing commitment and coordination within and among EU countries:  e-Government and digital divide  Security and privacy  Pedagogical innovation  Flexibility of human capital  The European e-Learning initiative  Increasing synergy and concertation incl. PPPs.  Education in policy agendas: increasing awareness, persisting gaps and contradictory trends in Investment in Education  Spectacular growth, but divergence in research  Gap between research and practice

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