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Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) and ED Facts …What’s Next Jack Buckley, Commissioner – NCES Ross Santy, Director – ED Fact s U.S. Department of.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) and ED Facts …What’s Next Jack Buckley, Commissioner – NCES Ross Santy, Director – ED Fact s U.S. Department of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) and ED Facts …What’s Next Jack Buckley, Commissioner – NCES Ross Santy, Director – ED Fact s U.S. Department of Education 2012 MIS Conference

2 What is CEDS? voluntarycommon A national collaborative effort to develop voluntary, common data standards for a key set of education data elements vocabulary A vocabulary including standard definitions, option sets & technical specifications to streamline sharing and comparing Voluntary Common Vocabulary 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

3 CEDS 2.0 - Overview  A Robust & Expanding Voluntary Common Vocabulary drawn from existing sources Tools & Models Powerful Stakeholder Tools & Models Logical Data Model Data Alignment Tool 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

4 2/15/2012CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

5 What is ED Facts ?  U.S. Department of Education initiative to consolidate and streamline the collection of preK-12 demographic, performance and outcome data.  Mission is to provide a comprehensive set of data that is fit for use by USED program offices, NCES and the public.  Technical Systems Management  EDFacts Submission System (ESS)  Been collecting data since 2003-04  Recently launched 8.x series of releases enabling collection of data on school year 2011-12  Reporting and Metadata Systems  Improved USED-wide governance of its asset of preK-12 performance data 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

6 Connections between CEDS and ED Facts  CEDS Version 1.0:  Not developed with a focus on federal reporting  CEDS elements leveraged EDFacts definitions and data structures where appropriate  If that aggregate statistic had a category set with specific permitted values, those values were considered when defining the CEDS element  CEDS Version 2.0  Explicit goal to ensure that all elements required for federal reporting were included  Work between EDFacts and CEDS teams to ensure alignment of data structures and coverage of EDFacts data groups 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

7 Example of CEDS/ED Facts Connection 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

8 How is CEDS not connected with ED Facts ?  CEDS is not an implementation  No tools have been developed under CEDS to store data at the unit record or aggregate level  CEDS defines the data elements and data structures that would be necessary within a data system in order for it to serve as a source system and meet EDFacts reporting needs  CEDS does not prescribe a physical implementation for states or LEAs  CEDS is not a data transmission technology  CEDS does not provide standards for the aggregation or transmission of data from LEA to SEA systems, or from SEA to USED systems  SEA staff still need to build and submit files of aggregate data to EDFacts 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

9 Getting from CEDS to ED Facts  CEDS Elements  Student descriptors  School/LEA enrollment  Classroom/course descriptors  EDFacts Data Groups  Data Group 39: Student Membership  By Grade, by Sex, by Race/Ethnicity  Data Group 74: IDEA Child Count  By Disability, by Educational Environment  Data Group 636: Migrant Education Program Students Served – Regular Year 2/15/2012CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

10 Implications of CEDS v2.0 for ED Facts  Mapping for every data group  CEDS provides a common framework for discussing the specific unit record elements which would be necessary for an SLDS to adequately serve as a source system for EDFacts reporting.  Initial mapping associates CEDS elements with one or more EDFacts data groups.  Example: Data Group 39 (Student Membership) depends upon the presence of (at least) the following CEDS elements:  Enrollment Status  Sex  American Indian or Alaska Native  Asian…. 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

11 Example of CEDS v2.0 for ED Facts 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

12  ED has mapped CEDS v2.0 elements to EDFacts Data Groups  Which CEDS elements would be necessary within the SLDS to report a specific EDFacts data group?  How many EDFacts data groups leverage each specific CEDS element?  ED has NOT defined the EDFacts data groups as indicators within the CEDS structures  CEDS v2.0 does not provide states or local school districts with aggregation routines or formulas for calculating an EDFacts data group.  The exact process used by SEAs to leverage the specific CEDS elements mapped to an EDFacts data group is still subject to state specific flexibility. 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next? Mapping Elements vs. Defining Indicators

13 Ways CEDS v2.0 can help LEAs and SEAs with ED Facts  Verification that unit level data elements needed for generating federal reporting requirements are included within SLDS  Provides a structure for consistent conversations about how CEDS elements are used to generate EDFacts data elements  Enables objective analysis of how multiple SEAs are building the data files needed for federal reporting  Offers the ability to directly align source systems to EDFacts through the CEDS Alignment Tool 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

14 Ways CEDS v2.0 can help ED program offices with ED Facts  Enables more detailed guidance on specific data groups and file specifications  Promotes detailed conversation about what elements are already implemented within state systems  Seeks to reduce reporting burden by leveraging existing state data capabilities before defining new data groups within EDFacts 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

15 Ideas for the future  CEDS 3.0 Early Learning: Early Learning: policy question support, professional development, child outcomes, and federal alignment K12: K12: CCSS assessment, teaching & learning, implementation support, record exchange Postsecondary: Postsecondary: furthering IPEDS support (CMSS), faculty/staff, price/tuition, Complete College America Additional Areas: Additional Areas: Workforce, CTE, Adult Ed Tools: Tools: Use Case Generator, Alignment Tool Support 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

16 Ideas for the future  Policy/Use Case Generator - Example

17 Ideas for the future  Policy/Use Case Generator - Example

18 Ideas for the future  Use CEDS to manage a better process for designing new reporting elements within EDFacts  Improve USED program office understanding of what data are and are not available within state systems  Design the reporting requirement from the CEDS element definitions  Recent example: SFSF Reporting  Clarified documentation within future OMB clearance packages  Explicit acknowledgement of when a new reporting requirement would depend upon a new CEDS element  Other ideas??? 2/15/2012 CEDS and EDFacts...What's Next?

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