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Drivers G OOD P RACTICE supply planning demand FORECASTING PHARMACISTS 2013 /2015 MOBILITY D OCTORS Health professions Work Package 5 «Minimum data set»

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Presentation on theme: "Drivers G OOD P RACTICE supply planning demand FORECASTING PHARMACISTS 2013 /2015 MOBILITY D OCTORS Health professions Work Package 5 «Minimum data set»"— Presentation transcript:

1 drivers G OOD P RACTICE supply planning demand FORECASTING PHARMACISTS 2013 /2015 MOBILITY D OCTORS Health professions Work Package 5 «Minimum data set» workshop Milan, 19 th and 20 th of September 2013

2 Ragnar Gullstrand Michel Van Hoegaerden Joint Action on European Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting

3  The list of parameters and data depend on the basic principles for the process.

4 1. Collecting data corresponding to the actions which you can decide on. 2. The data needed depends on the decision maker (University, Min. of Health...) 3. Collecting data on the main determinants of future demand and supply. 4. Similar HWF planning models for the different professions 5. Monitoring both stocks and, to the extent possible, flows of migrant health workers (OECD-WHO MDS on migration

5  Focus on the professions that are most concerned.  Identifying the current situation.  Focusing the data collection on destination countries initially.  Monitoring both stocks and, to the extent possible, flows of migrant health workers  Distinguishing immigrant health workers active in the health sector from those who are not.

6  Are there any differences between the professions? PrinciplesComment 1. 2. 3.


8  "To give the Decision Maker the number of student intakes to University which have the best probability to match supply and demand in the long term."  Why this target? ◦ It is easy to determine the decision and the responsability of the action. ◦ It is acting on a process that has a substantial cost and use of scarce resources. ◦ It is the most common target.  Alternatives (access to specialization, access to licence to practice,.......)?

9 Adapt the supply to the variations of the demand12 Guarantee a constant supply with the hypothesis of a constant demand6 Adopt the supply to economic constraints5 Eliminate differences between cities and rural zones5 Give correct information in order to permit young people choosing the training pathway7 Increase the level of education of the population without considering the demand for professionals1 Adapt the demand to the forseen supply3 Other2

10 TargetWhy 1. 2. 3.  Are there any differences between the professions?

11  All countries or only the ones that are starting now?  Are there different requests for the minimum data set between types of users: ◦ european ◦ national ◦ regional

12 Actors National ministries Regions Professional associations/ chambers National / regional statistics office The hospital organizations Universities Organizations that represent the workers (i.e. Unions). Organizations that represent the employers. Service providers Health/social security Insurers Other, please specify:

13  Are there any differences between the professions? UsersPriority 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

14  Health professions  Geographical dimensions  Sector of employment  Other

15 DisaggregationWhy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

16 DisaggregationWhy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

17 DisaggregationWhy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

18 DisaggregationWhy 1. EU 2. Macoarea (language areas) 3. Country 4. Regions within the countries 5.  Are there any differences between the professions?

19 DisaggregationWhy 1. Public 2. Private 3. ? 4. 5.

20  Are there any differences between the professions? DisaggregationWhy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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