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Goal 1 Building a New Nation. George Washington 1789-1797 NO POLITICAL PARTY Proclamation of Neutrality (during war between French & British) Whiskey.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal 1 Building a New Nation. George Washington 1789-1797 NO POLITICAL PARTY Proclamation of Neutrality (during war between French & British) Whiskey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal 1 Building a New Nation

2 George Washington

3 1789-1797 NO POLITICAL PARTY Proclamation of Neutrality (during war between French & British) Whiskey Rebellion (Fed. gov’t will enforce laws) Farewell Address (unity at home, neutrality abroad)


5 Washington’s Cabinet Thomas Jefferson=Sec. of State Alexander Hamilton=Sec. of the Treasury Henry Knox=Sec. of War Edmund Randolph=Attorney General

6 Thomas Jefferson—1 st Sec. of State 1 st Democratic Republican

7 Alexander Hamilton—1 st Sec. of the Treasury 1 st Federalist

8 Edmund Randolph – 1 st Attorney General took over as Sec. of State when Jefferson resigned

9 The Constitution said there would be a Court System but it did not give the framework for the judiciary system.

10 Judiciary of 1789 Created federal district courts and circuit courts for the states Federal courts were given the power to reverse state court decisions The Supreme Court was the highest court in the land

11 Bill of Rights 1 st ten amendments added to the Constitution Passed b/c Anti-federalists demanded that a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution to protect individual rights of citizens. –Antifederalists feared the power of a strong central gov’t –Federalists wanted a strong central gov’t

12 Bill of Rights 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

13 Hamilton v. Jefferson Federalist v. Democratic Republican

14 Federalist Party Alexander Hamilton Wanted a strong national gov’t Favored wealthy, educated, northerners Loose interpretation of the Constitution

15 Democratic Republican Party Thomas Jefferson Strict Interpretation of the Constitution Supported strong state gov’ts Wanted a limited national gov’t Favored the common man –Agrarian, southerners

16 Hamilton’s Economic Plan deal national debt & set up banking system Forgive State Debt (He was trying to make people happy so they would support the new gov’t---South was mad b/c they had already repaid their debt) Move Capital to the District of Columbia (to make the South happy)

17 Hamilton’s Economic Plan Establish the Bank of the U.S. (BUS) –a national bank –To issue money –Taxes revenue would be deposited in it –Supported by wealthy investors (made people mad b/c didn’t want the rich fat cats to have too much influence on the new gov’t)— Madison didn’t like it –Jefferson thought it was unconstitutional b/c the Constitution said nothing about a national bank (Strict v. Loose interpretation of the Constitution)

18 Bank of the United States (BUS) –a national bank –To issue money Taxes revenue would be deposited in it –Supported by wealthy investors (made people mad b/c didn’t want the rich fat cats to have too much influence on the new gov’t)—Madison didn’t like it –Jefferson thought it was unconstitutional b/c the Constitution said nothing about a national bank (Strict v. Loose interpretation of the Constitution)

19 Whiskey Rebellion

20 Hamilton put an excise tax on whiskey Farmers rebelled b/c they made the whiskey Hamilton knew they would rebel Washington & Hamilton sent the military to enforce the whiskey tax Show of force by the Federal gov’t

21 Tariff Tax on imported goods (from other countries)

22 Washington’s Farewell Address “Unity at home”—no political party “Neutrality Abroad”—stay out of foreign wars

23 Jay’s Treaty 1794-1795 Between US & Great Britain – British soldiers had to leave from posts in the American West –British could maintain the fur trade in US –Would settle the border issues between the U.S. and Canada –Would settle American losses in British ship seizures and Loyalist losses during the War for Independence –US got limited trade rights in British West Indies

24 Jay’s Treaty US didn’t really have political power on the world scene so we were limited in what we could really demand from Great Britain with Jay’s Treaty French still got mad with US b/c we were negotiating with the British

25 Pinckney’s Treaty 1796The Treaty of San Lorenzo Between US & Spain Treaty will dramatically affect US expansion WEST US allowed to use the Mississippi River for trade Allowed to use the port of New Orleans US southern boundary = 31 st parallel –Spain gave up lands east of the Mississippi (MS & AL) but not Florida

26 John Adams--Federalist

27 John Adams Federalist 1797-1801 XYZ Affair Alien & Sedition Acts Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions Midnight Judges

28 XYZ Affair US ambassador goes to France Instead of seeing Pres. Talleyrand 3 low-level officials (XYZ) tell the US in order to see Talleyrand the US must pay $250,000 bribe Led to an unofficial naval war with France (“Quasi-war”) Americans don’t trust French

29 Alien & Sedition Acts Must be in US 14 years to be a citizen (Not 5) (feared French influence) You could be locked up or fined for speaking out against (not legal b/c of the 1 st amendment)

30 Virginia & Kentucky Resolution Thomas Jefferson & James Madison’s response to the Alien & Sedition Acts A State will not enforce a law that is unconstitutional = NULLIFICATION

31 Election of 1800 Adams(Fed.) v. Jefferson(DemRep)

32 Election of 1800 Jefferson won (Dem Rep) “Peaceful transfer of power”—from 1 political party to another –12 th amendment (election of president & VP)

33 Midnight Judges Adams tried to add several last minute appointments to the Federal Court system Federalist judges “midnight judges” –Marbury v. Madison (judicial review) The Supreme Court can declare an act of Congress unconstitutional

34 Convention of 1800 Between US & France Severed an alliance b/w the 2 nations so that the US would not be drawn into the war between Great Britain & France

35 Thomas Jefferson—1 st Sec. of State 1 st Democratic Republican

36 Embargo Act 1807 President Jefferson Europe was not honoring US neutrality –Impressment –Embargo says Europe can’t buy US products –Bad idea = hurt US business

37 Louisiana Purchase

38 Lewis and Clark Hired by Jefferson to explore new territory Looking for an all water route to Pacific (didn’t find) Scientific experiments (animals & plants) Cultural studies (Native American relations) Mapped the route that would become the Oregon Trail

39 Sacajawea Lewis & Clark’s guide Saved them from Indian attack


41 War of 1812 James Madison President –“Mr. Madison’ War” –“War of Faulty Communication” –“2 nd War for Independence” –1812-1814 –US v. Great Britain

42 War of 1812 Causes –Impressment – GB kidnapping US sailors & forcing them into the British Navy –Chesapeake Incident—British fired on US ship b/c we refused to allow them to come aboard & search for British sailors –Refused to honor US neutrality –US also fighting Native Americans (Tecumseh) Tribes supported by British in Canada

43 War Hawks Young Congressmen that wanted to go to war with Great Britain After the Chesapeake Incident Henry Clay & John C. Calhoun

44 James Madison

45 War of 1812 Battle of Tippecanoe – William Henry Harrison defeated tribes in OH War Hawks—John C. Calhoun & Henry Clay US wanted more land from tribes & Canada Francis Scott Key wrote The Star Spangled Banner

46 War’s end Treaty of Ghent –The official end of the War –Armistice=no land changed hands Agree to stop fighting Battle of New Orleans – 1814 –Last battle of the war –General Andrew Jackson & farmer-soldiers defeated the British Regular Army –Major US victory –War was already over & treaty was signed (in Belgium)

47 Hartford Convention Group of New England states that threatened to secede because they were losing money b/c of the War of 1812

48 Tecumseh—Shawnee Chief tried to organize confederation against white settlers

49 Treaty of Greenville  1795  land south of the line was open to settlement & ended the Indian occupation of the region  25,000 square miles  six acres for one cent

50 Treaty of Greenville

51 Treaty of Greenville 1796 Between US & Miami Confederation (OH) Gave up OH land for $20,000 worth of goods Annual payment of $10,000 Much less than land was worth

52 Adams-Onis Treaty B/W US & Spain US got control of Florida

53 John Jay – 1 st Chief Justice

54 John Marshall Federalist Chief Justice

55 Eli Whitney—Cotton Gin

56 “Necessary Evil”=Slavery

57 Suffrage Requirements Voting requirements –White –Male –21 years old –Landowner

58 Note Quiz 1 1. Name the 1 st Sec. of State. 2. What right is protected by the 2 nd Amendment? 3. Which amendment protects the rights of the accused? 4. Who founded the Federalist Party? 5. Which party supported a strict interpretation of the Constitution? 6. What group wanted the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? 7. Who was the 1 st Sec. of War? 8. Which party favored Southerners?

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