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Foundations of Structural Kinesiology Anatomy and Kinesiology 420:024.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations of Structural Kinesiology Anatomy and Kinesiology 420:024."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of Structural Kinesiology Anatomy and Kinesiology 420:024

2 Outline Introduction Terminology Planes and Axes Movements Osteology Arthrology

3 Introduction Kinesiology Anatomic kinesiology Biomechanics Structural kinesiology

4 Outline Introduction Terminology Planes and Axes Movements Osteology Arthrology

5 Reference positions Basis from which to describe joint movements Anatomical position Fundamental position Anatomical position Fundamental position

6 Anatomical Directional Terminology Anterior In front in relation to another structure Posterior In back in relation to another structure Inferior (infra) Below in relation to another structure Superior (supra) Above in relation to another structure Distal Situated away from the center or midline of the body Proximal Nearest the trunk or the point of origin Lateral On or to the side Medial Relating to the middle or center From Van De Graaff KM: Human anatomy, ed 6, New York, 2002, McGraw-Hill

7 Anatomical Directional Terminology Contralateral Pertaining or relating to the opposite side Ipsilateral On the same side Bilateral Relating to the right and left sides of the body or of a body structure such as the right & left extremities Deep Beneath or below the surface; used to describe relative depth or location of muscles or tissue Superficial Near the surface; used to describe relative depth or location of muscles or tissue Prone the body lying face downward; stomach lying Supine lying on the back; face upward position of the body

8 Body Regions Axial Cephalic (Head) Cervical (Neck) Trunk (Thoracic and Lumbar) Appendicular Upper limbs Lower limbs

9 Outline Introduction Terminology Planes and Axes Osteology Arthrology Movements

10 Planes of Motion Plane:

11 Cardinal Planes of Motion Sagittal Plane Frontal Plane Transverse Plane Modified from Booher JM, Thibodeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill

12 Cardinal Planes of Motion Sagittal Plane Movements? Modified from Booher JM, Thibodeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill

13 Cardinal Planes of Motion Frontal Plane Movements? Modified from Booher JM, Thibodeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill

14 Cardinal Planes of Motion Transverse Plane Movements? Modified from Booher JM, Thibodeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill

15 Diagonal Planes of Motion

16 Axes of Rotation Two basic types of movement For angular movement to occur in a plane, it must turn or rotate about an axis as referred to previously The axes are named in relation to their orientation

17 Axes of Rotation Mediolateral (ML) Axis Also known as: Frontal, Lateral or Coronal Axis Modified from Booher JM, Thibodeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill

18 Axes of Rotation Anteroposterior (AP) Axis Also known as: Sagittal Axis Modified from Booher JM, Thibodeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill

19 Axes of Rotation Suprainferior (SI) Axis Also known as: Long or Vertical Axis Modified from Booher JM, Thibodeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill

20 Axes of Rotation Diagonal or Oblique Axis

21 Outline Introduction Terminology Planes and Axes Movements Osteology Arthrology

22 Movements General: Flexion/Extension Abduction/Adduction Circumduction Internal/External Rotation Specific: Ankle Radioulnar Shoulder girdle Spine and pelvic girdle

23 GENERAL Flexion Extension Joints Plane and axis?

24 GENERAL Abduction Adduction Joints Plane and axis?

25 GENERAL Horizontal Abduction Horizontal Adduction Joints Plane and axis?

26 GENERAL Circumduction Joints Planes and axes?

27 GENERAL Internal rotation External rotation Joints Plane and axis?

28 SPECIFIC: ANKLE & FOOT Inversion Eversion

29 SPECIFIC: ANKLE & FOOT Plantar flexion Dorsal flexion (dorsiflexion)

30 SPECIFIC: ANKLE & FOOT Pronation Supination

31 SPECIFIC: RADIOULNAR JOINT Pronation Supination

32 SPECIFIC: SHOULDER GIRDLE Elevation Depression

33 Protraction Retraction SPECIFIC: SHOULDER GIRDLE

34 Rotation upward Rotation downward SPECIFIC: SHOULDER GIRDLE

35 SPECIFIC: SPINE AND PELVIS Lateral flexion (side bending) Reduction

36 SPECIFIC: SPINE AND PELVIS Anterior pelvic tilt Posterior pelvic tilt Plane and axis?

37 SPECIFIC: SPINE AND PELVIS Lateral pelvic tilt Plane and axis? Right or left?

38 SPECIFIC: SPINE AND PELVIS Transverse pelvic tilt Plane and axis? Right or left?

39 SPECIFIC: WRIST & HAND Radial flexion (radial deviation) Ulnar flexion (ulnar deviation)

40 SPECIFIC: WRIST & HAND Opposition of the thumb

41 Outline Introduction Terminology Planes and Axes Movements Osteology Arthrology

42 Skeletal System Modified from Van De Graaff KM: Human anatomy, ed 6, New York, 2002, McGraw-Hill

43 Osteology – Interesting Facts 206 bones Axial skeleton: Appendicular: Composed of calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, collagen, & water 60-70% of bone weight - calcium carbonate & calcium phosphate 25-30% of bone weight – water ~1/5 th of the skeleton replaces itself in one year in young adults

44 Skeletal Functions 1. Protection of inner organs, brain, spinal cord etc. 2. Support to maintain posture 3. Movement by serving as points of attachment for muscles and acting as levers 4. Mineral storage such as calcium & phosphorus 5. Hemopoiesis – in vertebral bodies, femur, humerus, ribs, & sternum process of blood cell formation in the red bone marrow

45 Types of bones Long bones - humerus, fibula Short bones - carpals, tarsals Flat bones - skull, scapula Irregular bones - pelvis, ear ossicles Sesamoid bones - patella

46 Types of Bones Long bones

47 Types of Bones Short bones

48 Types of Bones Flat bones

49 Types of Bones Irregular bones

50 Typical Bony Features Diaphysis Cortex Periosteum Endosteum Medullary (marrow) cavity From Shier D, Butler J, Lewis R: Hole’s human anatomy & physiology, ed 9, New York, 2002, McGraw-Hill.

51 Typical Bony Features Epiphysis Epiphyseal plate Articular (hyaline) cartilage Modified from Van De Graaff KM: Human anatomy, ed 6, New York, 2002, McGraw-Hill.


53 Bone Growth Grow rapidly into structures shaped similar to the bones which they will eventually become Growth continues and gradually undergoes significant change to develop into long bone Longitudinal growth continues as long as epiphyseal plates are open Shortly after adolescence, plates disappear & close Most close by age 18, but some may be present until 25 Growth in diameter continues throughout life

54 From Seeley RR, Stephens TD, Tate P: Anatomy & physiology, ed 7, New York, 2006, McGraw-Hill.

55 Bone Properties Bone size & shape are influenced by the direction & magnitude of forces that are habitually applied to them Bones reshape themselves based upon the stresses placed upon them (remodeling) Bone mass increases over time with increased stress

56 Bone Markings Processes (including elevations & projections) Processes that form joints Condyle: Facet: Head:


58 Bone Markings Processes (elevations & projections) Processes to which ligaments, muscles or tendons attach Crest: Epicondyle: Line: Process: Spine (spinous process): Suture: Trochanter: Tubercle: Tuberosity:



61 Bone Markings Cavities (depressions) - including opening & grooves Foramen: Fossa: Sulcus (groove): Notch:


63 Outline Introduction Terminology Planes and Axes Movements Osteology Arthrology

64 Classification of Joints Articulation - connection of bones at a joint usually to allow movement between surfaces of bones 3 major classifications according to structure & movement characteristics

65 Classification of Joints Structural classification FibrousCartilagenousSynovial Functional classification Synarthrodial Gomphosis Suture ----- Amphiarthrodial Syndesmosis Symphysis Synchondrosis ----- Diarthrodial----- Arthrodial Ginglymus Trochoidal Condyloidal Sellar Enarthrodial

66 Synarthrodial Modified from Booher JM, Thibedeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill. Immovable joints Suture: Gomphosis

67 Classification of Joints Structural classification FibrousCartilagenousSynovial Functional classification Synarthrodial Gomphosis Suture ----- Amphiarthrodial Syndesmosis Symphysis Synchondrosis ----- Diarthrodial----- Arthrodial Ginglymus Trochoidal Condyloidal Sellar Enarthrodial

68 Amphiarthrodial Slightly movable joints Allow a slight amount of motion to occur

69 Amphiarthrodial Syndesmosis Modified from Booher JM, Thibedeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill.

70 Amphiarthrodial Synchondrosis Modified from Booher JM, Thibedeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill.

71 Amphiarthrodial Symphysis Modified from Booher JM, Thibedeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill.

72 Classification of Joints Structural classification FibrousCartilagenousSynovial Functional classification Synarthrodial Gomphosis Suture ----- Amphiarthrodial Syndesmosis Symphysis Synchondrosis ----- Diarthrodial----- Arthrodial Ginglymus Trochoidal Condyloidal Sellar Enarthrodial

73 Diarthrodial Joints Known as synovial joints Freely movable Composed of sleevelike joint capsule Secretes synovial fluid to lubricate joint cavity Capsule thickenings form tough, nonelastic ligaments that provide additional support against abnormal movement or joint opening Ligaments may also be located inside the joint

74 Diarthrodial Joints Articular or hyaline cartilage covers the articular surface ends of the bones inside the joint cavity Cartilage slowly absorbs synovial fluid during joint unloading or distraction Secretes synovial fluid during subsequent weight bearing & compression Some diarthrodial joints have specialized fibrocartilage disks (menisci)

75 From Seeley RR, Stephens TD, Tate P: Anatomy & physiology, ed 7, New York, 2006, McGraw-Hill.

76 Diarthrodial Joints Diarthrodial joints have motion possible in one or more planes Degrees of freedom

77 Diarthrodial Joints Six types Each has a different type of bony arrangement between articulating surfaces Structure dictates function Structural classification FibrousCartilagenousSynovial Functional classification Synarthrodial Gomphosis Suture ----- Amphiarthrodial Syndesmosis Symphysis Synchondrosis ----- Diarthrodial----- Arthrodial Ginglymus Trochoidal Condyloidal Sellar Enarthrodial

78 Diarthrodial Joints Arthrodial (Gliding) joints

79 Ex: Movements: Planes and axis? Diarthrodial Joints

80 Modified from Booher JM, Thibedeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill.

81 Diarthrodial Joints Ginglymus (Hinge) joint Ex: Uniaxial articulation Movements: Plane and axis?

82 Modified from Booher JM, Thibedeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill.

83 Diarthrodial Joints Trochoid (Pivot) joint Ex: Uniaxial articulation Movements: Plane and axis?

84 Modified from Booher JM, Thibedeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill.

85 Diarthrodial Joints Condyloid (Biaxial Ball and Scoket Joint) Ex: Biaxial articulation Movements: Planes and axes?

86 Modified from Booher JM, Thibedeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill.

87 Sellar (Saddle) Joint Ex: Biaxial articulation Movements: Planes and axes? Diarthrodial Joints

88 Modified from Booher JM, Thibedeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill.

89 Diarthrodial Joints Enarthrodial (Multiaxial Ball and Socket Joint) Ex: Triaxial articulation Movements: Planes and axes?

90 Modified from Booher JM, Thibedeau GA: Athletic injury assessment, ed 4, New York, 2000, McGraw-Hill.

91 Classification of Joints Structural classification FibrousCartilagenousSynovial Functional classification Synarthrodial Gomphosis Suture ----- Amphiarthrodial Syndesmosis Symphysis Synchondrosis ----- Diarthrodial----- Arthrodial Ginglymus Trochoidal Condyloidal Sellar Enarthrodial

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