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AREN’T YOU EXCITED?? Poetry Vocabulary. Pre-Test Write down anything you know about the following words: 1. Allusion 2. Idiom 3. Metaphor 4. Simile 5.

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Presentation on theme: "AREN’T YOU EXCITED?? Poetry Vocabulary. Pre-Test Write down anything you know about the following words: 1. Allusion 2. Idiom 3. Metaphor 4. Simile 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 AREN’T YOU EXCITED?? Poetry Vocabulary

2 Pre-Test Write down anything you know about the following words: 1. Allusion 2. Idiom 3. Metaphor 4. Simile 5. Personification 6. Hyperbole 7. Symbol 8. Pun

3 Allusion An indirect reference to another literary work or to a famous person, place, or event. For example:  “He’s a modern day Elvis!”  Today you have to be the tortoise, not the hare.  Jack and Diane Jack and Diane  I Go Back I Go Back  Star Wars Star Wars

4 More examples of Allusions Background: Charlie Bit My Finger After Dentist Double Rainbow Actual Allusions Glozell

5 Hyperbole An extreme exaggeration. YOU USE THIS ALL THE TIME! Examples:  “That test was 1,000 pages long!  “I was at school ALL DAY yesterday.”  “I had like twelve hours of homework last night!”

6 Simile A comparison of two objects using the words “like” or “as” Example:  He’s as big as a barn.  She skates like a swan.  He’s cute as a button.  It’s as colorful as a peacock.

7 Simile Similes in songs Like a circus Like a G6 As a cactus As the beating drum Like the last slice

8 Metaphor A comparison of two things using without using the words “like” or “as.” Generally, it will have the word “is” Example:  Love is a battlefield.  The sun is an angry warrior on a humid day. Examples in Pop Songs

9 Metaphor Just because it has “IS” does not mean it’s a metaphor She is pretty I think he is nice NOT EXAMPLES!

10 Personification Giving human characteristics to something that is not human. Example:  The weather smiled at us on our wedding day.  The trees arms stretched up toward the sky. Your turn…

11 Personification MORE EXAMPLES The shadow of the day will embrace the world in gray This love is killing me When the city sleeps…

12 Symbol A person, place, activity, or an object that stands for something beyond itself. Example:  The American Flag.  The Olympic Games.  The Cross Can you think of others?

13 Symbol This symbolizes the Toyota car company In poetry and in literature, winter usually symbolizes the end of life.

14 PUN! A joke that comes from a play on words. Example:  Two pencils decided to have a race. The outcome was a draw.  Hockey players are terrible chess players because they are always getting checked.  Tennis players don't marry because Love means Nothing to them.

15 Idiom An expression that has meaning different from the meaning of its individual words. For example:  “hold your horses” does not literally mean to hold the reigns of a horse, it means “slow down.”  “I’m on the fence.”  “That test was a piece of cake.”

16 Irony A specific type of contrast between appearance and reality- usually one in which reality is the opposite from what it seems. When something happens that you did not expect. Example:  you read a supposed love letter from your significant other and at the end they break up with you.  You expect every one in a story to live happily ever after and they die in a car wreck in the end.

17 Imagery This consists of descriptive words and phrases that re-create sensory experiences for the reader. Using descriptive words so the reader can imagine a scene in his/her head. Vague: “It was cold when I walked outside” Example: “As I walked out in the crisp morning, I could feel the frigid air begin to seep into my skin and burn in my lungs.”


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