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Relocating the Sinking Village A Feasibilty Presentation Regarding the Relocation of Newtok, Alaska by Jessica Skingel.

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2 Relocating the Sinking Village A Feasibilty Presentation Regarding the Relocation of Newtok, Alaska by Jessica Skingel

3 Overview  Introduction  Criteria  Methods  Results  Conclusions  Recommendations

4 Introduction  Determined the feasibility of relocating Newtok, Alaska, a village threatened by flooding and erosion.  Studied the causes and effects of climate change, erosion, permafrost degradation and other environmental factors that affect villages like Newtok.  Researched similar cases of relocation in Alaska to determine what problems were encountered and how they were resolved.  Conducted a questionnaire of my peers to evaluate their feelings and knowledge regarding climate change and relocation.  Researched estimated costs and funding for relocation.

5 Criteria  Are one or more organizations willing and available with sufficient funds to relocate the village?  Are the necessary equipment and resources available to relocate the village?  Will relocating the village be beneficial to more than 75% of the residents?  Will more than 75% of the residents be willing to relocate?

6 Newtok, AK  Population 370  72 households, 70 occupied  1.1 square miles  Dominantly Yu’pik village  One school, one airport, one health clinic  No plumbing system  No roads in or out of town- access by plane or boat only

7 Newtok, AK Newtok, like Shishmaref and Kivalina, is facing major erosion problems.

8 Erosion caused by  Lack of protective sea ice  Rise in sea temperatures  Thawing permafrost  Rising water levels  Changing river



11 Other Problems Newtok Faces  Flooding  Severe sewage problems  Water supply threatened  Health concerns  Loss of culture and traditions  Difficulties delivering fuel and supplies

12 Methods  Primary Research  Online Search- keywords: Newtok Alaska, Newtok relocation, Newtok erosion, Newtok flooding  Secondary Research  ARLIS- keywords: Newtok, climate change Alaska, permafrost Alaska  UAA Consortium Library- keywords: climate change Alaska, erosion Alaska, Newtok relocation  Qualtrics Survey- distributed to 18 UAA students in Professor Soria’s Technical Writing Course.

13 Studies have concluded that there is no permanent and cost-effective alternative to staying at the current location. Relocation is the community’s only option. Results

14 Historical and Projected Shorelines As projected, Newtok could be washed away within the next 5-10 years.

15 Cost to Relocate  US Army Corps of Engineers estimates the move to cost $80-130 million  About $2 million per household  Funding has been provided in part by grants from  Economic Development Administration  Alaska Dept. of Transportation & Public Facilities  Denali Commission  Bureau of Indian Affairs  Several mini-grants from other organizations Funding is difficult since no federal or state government agency is authorized or responsible to fund such a relocation.

16 Mertavik  Means “getting water from the spring”  Chosen as the new site for relocation  Higher, more stable ground  Fresh water source  9 miles southeast from current site  Construction has begun

17 Survey  Climate change has a direct influence on my life as an individual.  Climate change has a direct influence on the lives of Alaskans. Graph 1. The direct influence of climate change How participants feel climate change affects them directly as individuals and Alaskans as a whole.

18 Survey  How often do you read about climate change in the news or online? Graph 2. Frequency of reading about climate change The frequency in which participants read about the issue of climate change in the news or online.

19 Survey  How important do you find the issue of climate change? Graph 3. The importance of climate change in Alaska How important participants feel the issue of climate change in Alaska is.

20 Newtok Planning Group (NPG)  Created in May 2006 to coordinate assistance in the relocation efforts of Newtok  Has met regularly since forming to secure funding and resources  Has establish strategy and framework for moving the relocation process forward  Formed under the Division of Community and Regional Affairs, within the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development

21 Newtok Planning Group Participants  Native Village of Newtok  Newtok Traditional Council (NTC)  Newtok Native Corporation (NNC)  State  Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED), Division of Community Advocacy  Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation/Village Safe Water Program (VSW)  Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT/PF)  Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs/Division of Homeland  Security and Emergency Management (DHS&EM)  Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED)  Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS)  Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA)/Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)  Alaska Governor’s Office

22  Federal  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Alaska District  U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA)  U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development  U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)  U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)  U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)  U.S Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  Denali Commission  Senator Lisa Murkowski’s Office  Regional Organizations  Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP), Housing Improvement Program (HIP)  Coastal Villages Region Fund (CVRF)  Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD)  Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP)  Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation

23 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Housing Improvement Programs (HIP) Three housing packages were awarded to Newtok by the BIA in 2006. The homes will be moved to the new village site once community planning and basic infrastructure are complete.

24 “New”tok Completed Work  Foundation for Evacuation Center  Access Road  Barge Landing  Quarry

25 Conclusions Relocating the village of Newtok to Mertavik is feasible, but there are some obstacles that need to be overcome before the mission can be accomplished.  Additional Funding  Detailed Planning  Permits  Further Construction

26 Recommendations  Further research to determine activity of NPG Participants  Initiate legislative action to appoint proper government agencies and officials to oversee and/or fund relocation  Create alternative plan if relocation is not completed in due time

27 Thank you Song: Jack Johnson- “No other way” Photo credit: Google images, New York Times, Newtok Planning Group

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