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BESA have highly mobile children attending schools around the world.

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2 BESA have highly mobile children attending schools around the world

3 E xtrapolated universal skills requirements from different curriculums – UK NC Core Standards USA NY State Standards CA State Standards Australian NC Netherlands Dutch NC Indonesian Chinese S kills based curriculum B uilt on Learning Goals

4 Academic International Personal K nowledge, skills and understanding A ttributes and character A wareness of self and others K. S. U.

5  B ESA wealth of culture in our classrooms  I PC & IMYC support the goals of being internationally minded  I PC & IMYC objective of meeting the needs of highly mobile children attending schools around the world – does not support one nations view point BESA`S CURRICULUM

6  B e able to develop an increasingly mature response to the ‘other’  B e able to show consideration to others when making choices and decisions both in and outside of the school community  B e better able to recognise the nature of friendship, how to make and keep friends and display effective social relationships

7  K now about the key features related to the different lives of people in their home country and, where appropriate, their parents’ home countries.  K now about the key features related to the different lives of people in the countries they have studied.  K now about the similarities and the differences between the lives of people in different countries.  D evelop an understanding that there is value in knowing and understanding both the similarities and the differences between different countries.

8  P astoral Care – Physical and Social Education  I PC/IMYC & beyond curriculum (pedagogy)  I ndividual requirements: Child–centred education – prior knowledge and understanding, capturing attention, voice and engagement  ` H idden` Curriculum – Culture, traditions and transmitted values  F oster a desire to learn

9 MILEPOST 4 DISPOSITIONS – Key Skills 4.1 Be able to ask and consider searching questions related to the area of study 4.2 Be able to plan and carry out investigations related to these questions 4.7 Be able to consider and respect the views, cultures and traditions of other people 4.8 Be able to cope with unfamiliar situations 4.9 Be able to approach tasks with confidence 4.15 Be able to stick with a task until it is completed 4.16 Be able to cope with the disappointment they face when they are not successful in their activities 4.17 Be able to try again when they are not successful in their activities 4.22 Be able to act on their own moral standpoints 4.23 Be able to explain the reasons for their actions

10 4.25 Be able to make their meaning plain using appropriate verbal and non- verbal forms 4.28 Be able to communicate in a range of different contexts and with a range of different audiences 4.29 Be better able to communicate effectively and appropriately with individuals, and reflect upon how their actions affect themselves and others 4.31 Be able to use a range of thinking skills in solving problems 4.32 Be able to consider and respect alternative points of view 4.35 Be able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses 4.39 Be able to adopt different roles depending on the needs of the group and on the activity 4.40 Be able to work alongside and in cooperation with others to undertake 4.43 Be able to show respect for the needs of other people, other living things and the environment

11 Creativity Communication Morality Enquiry Respect Resilience Thoughtfulness, Adaptability Cooperation

12  IPC = 1900 schools in 92+ countries  IMYC = 120 schools in 18+ countries

13 S kills-based learning T ransferable skills I PC & IMYC has an international context Developed skills of resilience, research, managing time and independent and interdependent learning...

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