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1 指導教授:林鴻儒 教授 報 告 者:陳禹樵 民國九十八年十月十三日. 2 Outline Introduction Material and methods Results and discussion Conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "1 指導教授:林鴻儒 教授 報 告 者:陳禹樵 民國九十八年十月十三日. 2 Outline Introduction Material and methods Results and discussion Conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 指導教授:林鴻儒 教授 報 告 者:陳禹樵 民國九十八年十月十三日

2 2 Outline Introduction Material and methods Results and discussion Conclusions

3 3 Introduction The use of biodegradable polymeric carriers for the drug delivery systems has gained a wide interest,mainly for their biocompatibility and, among the microparticulate systems,micros- pheres show a specia importance for providing local as well as temporal controlled release of the drug.

4 4 Material sodium alginate chitosan calcium chloride hexahydrate aluminum chloride hexahydrate sodium diclofenac di-sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous potassium di-hydrogen phosphate hydrochloride acid 35% acetic acid glacial 100% 基材 酸性保護層 Ca 2+ Al 3+ 包覆藥物

5 5 Methods 1.2% alginate 0.25% Sodium diclofenac 0.5% chitosan+1.3% CaCl 2 (AlCl 3 ) Left into the original solution for 24 h Then they were filtered,washed and dried at room temperature.

6 6 Measurement  Loading and yield of the process  Thermal analysis  Scanning electron microscopy  Release tests

7 7 Results and discussion

8 8 more than 98%

9 9 Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of sodium diclofenac microspheres formulated with calcium chloride.

10 10 Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of sodium diclofenac microspheres formulated with aluminum chloride.

11 11 Fig. 4. Thermograms corresponding to the sodium diclofenac microspheres with calcium chloride. alginateCaCl 2 microsphere

12 12 Fig. 5. Thermograms corresponding to the sodium diclofenac microspheres with aluminum chloride. alginateAlCl 3 microsphere

13 13 Fig. 6. Effect of the ionic substance (Ca 2+ or Al 3+ ) on the sodium diclofenac release process.

14 14 Fig. 7. Effect of the alginate/chitosan ratio on the sodium diclofenac release process.

15 15 Conclusions This fact introduces an interesting variable in preparing microspheres, that together with the prevention of the release at the gastric level, an extension of the drug release over longer periods of time can be introduced. The precipitation of diclofenac as an insoluble salt should make its recovery difficult during the dissolution test, even at varying pH.

16 16 Thank you for your attention!!

17 17 sodium diclofenac 中文名:二克氯吩鈉二克氯吩鈉 為一非固醇類抗炎藥,屬於苯基乙酸衍物 。 具有抗發炎、止痛、解熱及促進尿酸排除 之 功能。常用於急性或慢性治療風濕性關節炎、 骨關發炎及僵直性脊椎炎的症狀。

18 18 The sodium diclofenac -loaded beads Spectrophotometrically(276nm) filtered solutions remaining after removal of the beads

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