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Payment Proposal Tech Overview A look into the payment proposal process.

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1 Payment Proposal Tech Overview A look into the payment proposal process

2 Major parts The payment proposal process consists of four major parts: 1.A search for open transactions to include. 2.An organizer, combining transactions to be paid into actual payments. 3.A tool for transferring the suggested payments into a payment journal. 4.The payment journal itself.

3 Search (CustVendCreatePaymJournal) Searches open transactions to be paid. Date criteria can be Due Date and/or Cash Discount Date. The dialog from search holds parameters used by the payment propsal organizer, e.g. ”Amount limit”.

4 Organizer (CustVendPaymProposal) Combines transactions for payment into summarized payments Controls features like ”Amount total”, ”Transaction total” and ”Delete negative payments”

5 Transfer (CustVendPaymProposalTransferToJournal) Creates or updates journal lines based on the suggested payments from the proposal. Updated is only applicable if the payment proposal is generated based on existing journal lines.

6 Helper classes Payment date calculation Adjusts a due date or cash discount date into a payment date according to the settings for the payment proposal. A setting could for example be payment on a specific day of the week. The CustVendPaymProposalOrg classes controlling how transactions are inserted into the payment proposal. Payment proposal form logic handler One class handling the logic for both the AR and AP payment proposal.

7 Payment date calculation (CustVendPaymProposalCalcPaym) Calculates the payment date for open transactions. Calcualtion is based on the actual due date and/or cash discount date and then adjusted according to the parameters setup on Methods of Payment and on the Generate Payment Proposal parameters.

8 CustVendPaymProposalOrg The payment proposal has two different models for adding open transactions to the proposal. 1.Transactions are added based on the search in open transactions. 2.Transactions are based on existing payment journal lines. The CustVendPaymPropsalOrg classes deal with the differences between the two models. An example is that if loading from an existing journal we will match the suggested payments with the existing journal lines to be able to update the journal lines during the transfer.

9 Payment proposal form logic (CustVendPaymProposalEditForm) The payment proposal forms (AR and AP) contain a lot of logic, for example the ability to switch the ”Linked” view on and off. The logic is pulled out in this class to: 1.Keep code out the forms. 2.Have one code base for both AR and AP.

10 The big picture Search (CustVendCreatePaymJournal) Organize (CustVendPaymProposal) Payment Journal Form Calculate Payment Date (CustVendPaymProposalCalcPaym) Edit Proposal Form Form logic (CustVendPaymProposalEditForm) Org. Helper Class (CustVendPaymProposalOrg) Transfer to journal (CustVendPaymProposalTransferToJournal) Loading an existing journal into the payment proposal

11 Assumptions The payment proposal is always used in the context of a payment journal. There can be only one active payment proposal per journal.

12 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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