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Letters to Authors & Illustrators 3 rd Grade. RheAnna West: Prewriting  GPS ELA3W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student.

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Presentation on theme: "Letters to Authors & Illustrators 3 rd Grade. RheAnna West: Prewriting  GPS ELA3W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Letters to Authors & Illustrators 3 rd Grade

2 RheAnna West: Prewriting  GPS ELA3W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student m. Pre-writes to generate ideas, develops a rough draft, rereads to revise, and edits to correct.  PLO The student will plan a letter using a graphic organizer.

3 Form of Writing Letters to Authors and Illustrators  Response to Literature  Communication from the student to the author or illustrator in the form of a letter.  Students Express - Feeling - Concerns - Likes/Dislikes - Thoughts

4 Parts of a Letter  Heading - Return address - Date  Greeting Dear,_________ ( Author or Illustrator)  Body - Thoughts - Feelings - Concerns - Questions - Ideas

5  Closing - Sincerely - Yours truly - Your friend  Signature - Signed by the author of the letter

6 Stage of Writing Prewriting  Identify - Topic - Form - Audience - Purpose  70 % of Process  Form thoughts and ideas  Plan graphic organizer to help structure ideas and thoughts

7 Author/Illustrator Graphic Organizer What is your address? ________________________________________ (Your street number, street name, & apartment number (if living in an apartment)) _________________________________________ (Your city, state, and zip code) _________________________________________ (Today’s date) Who will get your letter? Body ___________________________ (Greeting) What are some thoughts and feelings you would like to share with the author or illustrator? _________________________________________________ What are some questions you would like to ask the author or illustrator? _________________________________________________ Did you learn anything from reading this book?_____________________________________________ _____________________ (Closing) _____________________ (Your signature) West, R. (2010). Author/Illustrator letter graphic organizer. Unpublished graphic organizer. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Modified from: Root, T. (n.d.). Friendly letter graphic organizer. Retrieved October 23, 2010, from Dr. Tonja Root’s website:

8 Citation of Published Piece Letter to Author.(n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2010 from mples-of-friendly-letters- for-kids.html mples-of-friendly-letters- for-kids.html

9 Published example

10 Practice Activity  Read to students  Discuss as a class events taken place in the story.  Ask students if there is anything they would change about the story.  Discuss their feelings about the story.  Create a graphic organizer together with information from their responses.

11 Assessment Activity  Students will choose their favorite author or illustrator and plan an organizer to that author or illustrator.  If students do not have a favorite author or illustrator, they will choose one from a previous book they have read  Complete graphic organizer individually.

12 Ashley Daniels: Drafting  GPS: ELA3W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student m. Pre-writes to generate ideas, develops a rough draft, rereads to revise, and edits to correct. PLO : Student will use a graphic organizer to develop a rough draft letter to a author or illustrator.

13 Form of Writing Letters to Authors and Illustrators Creating ‘sloppy copy’ Skipping lines ○ Place an X on every other line Use phrases from graphic organizer to write complete sentences

14 Stage of Writing Drafting  Emphasize getting down the content of writing.  Do not emphasize correct spelling & neatness.  Provide support, encouragement, & feedback for ideas and problems.

15 Citation of Published Piece Dunbar, F. From readers. Retrieved April 1, 2010 from Fiona Dunbar’s web site: http://www.fionadunbar. com/lulubaker/lulubaker_ reviews.htm

16 Published example

17 Practice Activity  Explain how to begin draft.  Use class graphic organizer to form complete sentences.  Make errors in punctuation and spelling to show that this is not important during drafting.

18 Assessment Activity  Have students draft their own graphic organizer.  Remind students to skip lines, write X on every other line.  Remind student’s not to focus on spelling or punctuation, but getting the content down.

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