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31 October – 2 September 2011 Young-Youn Park Numerical Model Development Division, Korea Meteorological Administration KMA report.

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Presentation on theme: "31 October – 2 September 2011 Young-Youn Park Numerical Model Development Division, Korea Meteorological Administration KMA report."— Presentation transcript:

1 31 October – 2 September 2011 Young-Youn Park Numerical Model Development Division, Korea Meteorological Administration KMA report

2 2 KMA global ensemble: Changes Operation period 2001.3.1 - 2003.11.1 -2006.7.1-2008.9.1-2010.12-2011.5- Machine 1 st (NEC SX5)2 nd (Cray X1E)3rd (Cray XE6) Data Asssim 2dOI → 3dOI 3dOI → 3dVar 3dVar 3dvar(self- cycle) 4dVar(from 40km model) 4dVar(from 25km model) Model GDAPS (JMA GSM)UM 7.5(UKMO)UM 7.7 Horizontal Res T106T213(60km)40km Vertical Res 2130405070 Perturbation method (Target area) Breeding (Global) Breeding + Factor Rotation (NH) ETKF (localized in hor and vert) ETKF* Model error NORP, SKEB Run per days 1 (12UTC)2 (00, 12UTC) Lead time(days) 10 Members 16 (16 members + 1 control) (16+1)*224 Post Processing NOBias Correction (Bo Cui)NO

3 TIGGE data  TIGGE data  Old EPS data: 16 Jan 2008 ~ 30 Nov 2010  No data since 1 Dec 2010 obecause of network problem(too slow to ftp the new ensemble data ~ 64GB/day)  Tried two way: oTo enhance N/W speed to ECMWF  recently succeed (80min/32GB)  under test oTo send data to NCAR using LDM  difficulty in setting LDM  Changes in TIGGE data  Resolution: (Operation 0.5625deg, TIGGE 1.25 deg)  (0.5625, 0.375 deg)  Size: old 10GB/day  new 64GB/day  (later 84GB/day)  Parameter  8 P levels * 5 par + gph at 50 hPa (OK)  4 pars (no q)  1 pt level (320K) * 1 par (pv) (X)  OK  2 pv level * 3 parameter(X)  pt (no u, v)  Single level * 28 parameter (6 parameters)  19 pars 3

4 Other data  Cyclone data: ftp://cxml:cxml@ Cyclone data: ftp://cxml:cxml@  Not working after 30 Dec 2010  Security issue with IT team  Will resume later …  Model description(metadata): ready to update  KMA’s verification statistics report(to LC on EPS verification):  Deterministic score: 200901- (NH), 201103-(TR, SH)  CRPS: under checking if KMA use the same method as instructed  Reliability table parameters: 200901- (NH), 201103-(TR, SH), T850, Z500, PMSL only 4

5 5 KMA EPS Flow chart Global 4DVar N512L70(25km) Trim obstore OPS(24M) ETKF UM Forecast N320L70M24(40km) Trimmed obstore varobs IC Perturbations Varobs obstore analysis Previous cycle (-12 hours) Next cycle (+12 hours) OPS background ETKF background OPS background ETKF background

6 6 Summer 2009 (.5.23-6.25) : Z500 OP vs MOGREPS(40km, 90km) MO(40km50L) MO(90km38L) OPER RMSE SPREAD NH SH

7 7 Summer 2009 (.5.23-6.25) : T850, MSLP OP vs MOGREPS(40km, 90km) MO(40km50L) MO(90km38L) OPER RMSE SPREAD T850 MSLP

8 May 2011: 40km L50 vs L70 8

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