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Wordle 31 Opine Opportunist Ossify Necromancy Panache.

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Presentation on theme: "Wordle 31 Opine Opportunist Ossify Necromancy Panache."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wordle 31 Opine Opportunist Ossify Necromancy Panache

2 Opine o·pine Verb: Hold and state as one's opinion: "“The man is a genius,” he opined". Synonyms:think - reckon - deem - suppose - guess

3 opportunist op·por·tun·ist
Noun:A person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by principles or plans. Adjective:Opportunistic. Synonyms:noun.  timeserver - trimmer adjective.  time-serving Criminal attacks are often opportunistic.

4 ossify os·si·fy Verb: Turn into bone or bony tissue.
Cease developing; be stagnant or rigid Fossils ossify.

5 Necromancy nec·ro·man·cy
Noun:The supposed practice of communicating with the dead, esp. in order to predict the future. Witchcraft, sorcery, or black magic in general

6 panache pa·nache Noun: Flamboyant confidence of style or manner.
A tuft or plume of feathers, esp. as a headdress or on a helmet. Synonyms: plume

7 Rescind Review Word re·scind/riˈsind/
Verb:Revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement).Synonyms:cancel - revoke - abrogate - repeal - annul - nullify

8 Harangue Review Word ha·rangue Noun: A lengthy and aggressive speech.
Verb: Lecture (someone) at length in an aggressive and critical m anner. Synonyms:noun.  speech - allocution - address - oration verb.  make a speech - speechify

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