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Wilson 20A. WHO GOVERNS?TO WHAT ENDS?  Is American foreign policy set by public wishes or political elites?  If only Congress can declare war, why has.

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Presentation on theme: "Wilson 20A. WHO GOVERNS?TO WHAT ENDS?  Is American foreign policy set by public wishes or political elites?  If only Congress can declare war, why has."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wilson 20A

2 WHO GOVERNS?TO WHAT ENDS?  Is American foreign policy set by public wishes or political elites?  If only Congress can declare war, why has the president become so powerful in military affairs?  Why do we go to war against some dictatorships and not others?  Should our foreign policy be based on American interests or some conception of human rights?

3  Wage a war on terror?  Cells in friendly countries?  Mediators of others’ conflicts?  New kind of warfare?  World’s policeman?  Roles of POTUS, Congress, public opinion, interest groups Roles of POTUS, Congress, public opinion, interest groups  Democracy a disadvantage in foreign policy?  Democracy tip the hand of the enemy?  Democracy keep us from unjust war?  Democracy create greater patriotism?

4  Majoritarian – during wartime, we are all in this together (focus of chapter)focus of chapter  President is dominant figure  Bush in Afghanistan  Bush in Iraq  Interest group politics – tariffs to support American industry and workers  Client group politics – support particular groups of Americans abroad  Increased role of Congress  Power of the purse  Investigation and criticism

5 PRESIDENTCONGRESS  Commander-in-chief  Appoints ambassadors  Negotiates treaties  State department  Defense department  CIA, NSA  Advantage of getting this agenda passed over domestic policy  Ratify treaties  Regulate commerce  Declare war  More limits than other heads-of-state  Slower support in US

6  Strong enough to accomplish much or destroy  Mitchell v. Laird  Individual states have few rights  Courts favor action over inaction  Lincoln in Civil War  Johnson and Nixon in Vietnam  FDR and Japanese internment camps  Truman and Korea  Bush in Iraq

7  Economic or military aid to other countries  War Powers Act of 1973  War funding  Intelligence oversight  CIA to brief Senate Intelligence Committee  9/11 Report  Surge Surge

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