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Mike James Building a cross-platform pedometer app with Xamarin & Azure MOB334.

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2 Mike James Building a cross-platform pedometer app with Xamarin & Azure MOB334

3 Mike James Developer Evangelist, Xamarin @MikeCodesDotNET

4 BeerDrinkinStepCounterDutch SpellingHydrate iOS & AzureiOS & Android iOSOS X C#


6 RedBull Event @ The London Eye

7 My StepCounter

8 Built entirely in C# Uses device sensor APIs Added Azure backend



11 Building the iOS App

12 Developing the app in half a day


14 Lets look at the project

15 Android

16 Supports some KitKat or above devices Uses a service 1,000 - 5,000 downloads


18 Lets look at the analytics

19 Almost 2 Years later Microsoft gets in touch

20 Adding Azure

21 Azure Mobile Service C# Facebook Social Auth

22 Uses Facebook to fetch: Email Address First Name Last Name Gender Date of Birth

23 Lets look at the backend

24 Find me on GitHub

25 A more exciting Azure sample

26 Xamarin 4.0


28 Whats new UI Test Recorder Rebuilt iOS Designer for Visual Studio & Xamarin Studio Xamarin Insights General availability Xamarin Inspector Objective-Sharpie CocoaPods support

29 Thank you. Mike James Developer Evangelist, Xamarin @MikeCodesDotNET Questions?

30 Complete your session evaluation on My Ignite for your chance to win one of many daily prizes.

31 Continue your Ignite learning path Visit Microsoft Virtual Academy for free online training visit Visit Channel 9 to access a wide range of Microsoft training and event recordings Head to the TechNet Eval Centre to download trials of the latest Microsoft products


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