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WALNUT HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2018 Sophomore to Junior Year.

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1 WALNUT HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2018 Sophomore to Junior Year

2 SELECTION PROCESS FOR ADMITTANCE TO IB DIPLOMA PROGRAM  Pre-IB students with a cumulative of 3.0 or higher will progress to the IB Diploma Program.  Students with an accumulative GPA 2.99 or below will not continue in the program.


4  3 HL Tests (Taken in Senior Year)  1 HL Test must be in English  Choose 2 other HL Tests from the other groups (Except the Language B Group – this will be your required SL World Language)  Remember – HL choices should be in your strongest subject areas IB 4 YEAR PLAN

5 IB 4 YEAR PLAN - SL  3 SL Tests required – 2 Tests may be taken in the Junior Year – at least 1 SL Test will be taken in Senior Year (Language B is your World Language)  Once you have selected your 3 HL subject areas and your World Language, there are 2 groups remaining of the 6. These 2 groups will become SL choices for your IB curriculum.

6 COURSE OPTIONS Groups 1 & 2 are selected for you. You must select 2 HL’s and 2 SL’s from the remaining groups. You must select 1 from each group. You must select 1 from each group.  Group 1 – Language A1  English HL - All students must take this HL  Group 2 – Language B  World Language SL - All students must take this SL

7  Group 3 – Individuals and Societies  History HL  History SL  Economics SL*  Psychology HL* *US History must also be taken due to being a graduation requirement  Group 4 – Experimental Sciences  Biology HL (1 st year is Biology AP)  Biology SL  Chemistry HL (1 st year is Chemistry AP)  Chemistry SL COURSE OPTIONS

8 Group 5 – Mathematics – 3 Options:  Math Studies SL – Usually complete during the 11 th grade but can be taken in the 12 th grade.  Required courses for SL Math Studies:  Geometry  Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 Honors  Optional Math Analysis  Math SL – Usually complete during the 11 th grade but can be taken in the 12 th grade. (Equivalent to regular Calculus + IB Specific Coursework)  Required courses for SL Math:  Geometry  Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 Honors  Math Analysis or Math Analysis Honors  Math HL – Taken during the 11 th &12 th grade year. (Equivalent to AP Calculus AB (year 1) + AP Calculus BC/AP + IB Specific Coursework (year 2))  Required Courses for HL Math:  Geometry  Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 Honors  Math Analysis Honors  Calculus AB AP (11 th Grade)

9 COURSE OPTIONS Group 6 – Arts & Electives  Visual Arts HL – Potential based on Student Interest  Visual Arts SL (SL that is over 2 years) - Potential based on Student Interest  Economics SL (Students are allowed to take the AP Micro- Economics and Macro-Economics exams)  Psychology HL  Chemistry SL – If you selected Chemistry HL, you cannot choose this SL.  Biology SL – If you selected Biology HL, you cannot choose this SL.

10 PROCESS FOR FINAL SELECTION OF IB DIPLOMA COURSES  Students need to choose carefully when making final selections regarding HL/SL courses as they may not be changed during summer registration.

11 PROCESS FOR FINAL SELECTION OF IB DIPLOMA COURSES  Spring course selection dictates the overall master schedule:  eg. Economics IB SL  If 20 students choose this class it will be offered.  When 10 change their mind there is no class to put them in,and this course would not have been offered for only 10 students.

12 PROCESS FOR FINAL SELECTION OF IB DIPLOMA COURSES  If necessary a 7 Period day will be available that will allow a student to choose 1 co-curricular activity.  Athletics, Pep, Dance, Publications, ASB, Band, Orchestra, Vocal Music, Peer Counseling or Color Guard, Health, Visual & Performing Arts, Civics and Economics

13 SIMILARITIES OF AP AND IB  Both are rigorous programs devoted to educational experience with high performance expectations for students and faculty  Both attract highly motivated students who wish to excel academically  Both receive additional weight in calculating GPA  Both involve highly dedicated and creative teachers committed to their students, disciplines, and profession  Both use external assessments and evaluators to score assessments  Both offer extensive professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators  Both are recognized by most US universities for consideration for college credit or advanced standing  Both rely on objectivity and fairness in scoring assessments, removing personality and personal influence from the assessment system. Scores are based on the quality of work evaluated against a set criteria or standards.

14 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AP AND IB Advanced Placement Program  National standard of excellence  AP consists of independent courses for students who may excel in only one or two academic disciplines  College level courses  AP scores are based solely on the AP exam  AP exams are multiple choice and short- answer or essay exams  Exams are based on in-depth mastery of specific concepts within a given subject  Any student may take AP exams; IB students may take AP exams  AP teachers work within their discipline; independent of other academic areas  AP students form peer groups within individual classes  AP recognizes high achievement on AP exams through the AP scholars program International Baccalaureate Program  International standard of excellence  2 year well-rounded program with 6 areas of study, an extended essay, TOK, and CAS  Comprehensive curriculum at college level  IB scores are based on classroom work and IB exams  IB exams are all short answer or essay exams  Exams are based on broad general understanding of concepts and fundamental themes  Only IB students enrolled in IB courses may take IB exams and receive IB credit  IB teachers work as a team to connect curriculum across the disciplines  IB seeks to create a cohort or peer group around all academics  Successful IB candidates receive an IB diploma

15 SUMMER SCHOOL  Please refer to WHS website for summer school information in February (non-tuition) and March (Dedicated to Learning/tuition) at  GLC can secure summer school class in order to complete graduation/ IB Diploma requirements for IB Diploma students. Students will still need to sign-up through the on-line summer school lottery.  New SAT and ACT Classes held at WHS  Sign up at

16 PRE-REGISTRATION FORMS  Pre-registration forms are due Friday, February 19.  Please, see your GLC during tutorial to ask questions before the due date  Check on-line AP Qualification list before due date  Write legibly and include course numbers  Indicate summer school class

17 Questions….. Ask now!

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