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Murrieta Valley Unified School District. Support system of peers and teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "Murrieta Valley Unified School District. Support system of peers and teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Murrieta Valley Unified School District


3 Support system of peers and teachers

4 Ragnar Relay – Raising funds and awareness for poverty stricken countries. Creativity, Activity & Service! All in one!

5 WE ARE LOVE Class of 2016 Project All students and staff receive a hand-written Valentine’s card to make sure they all know they are loved at MVHS.


7  Apply critical thinking skills  Educate the whole person  Develop international mindedness  Understand individual responsibility to the local and global community  Belong to a family learning community  Perform better in post-secondary education  Recognized as the most rigorous high school college preparatory program

8  Include screen shot of website

9 University or CollegeTotal Pop. AcceptanceIB Diploma Acceptance UC Irvine56.0%89.9% UC San Diego41.0%65.6% UC Berkley24.0%50.6% UC Los Angeles24.0%48.5% USC30%69% University San Diego53%83% Cornell University29%47% BYU30%96.3% Georgetown21%28.5% CSU, Fullerton69%97.6% CSU, Long Beach52%92.2%

10  University policies for IB/AP credit differ. Generally, all HL courses with a score of 5 or above are accepted. In most cases HL courses are granted 8 credits.  UC: Full IB Diploma candidates with a score of 30 or above will receive 30 quarter units (or 20 semester units) toward their degree. **Not all universities will award college credit for the passing of IB or AP exams. Some may give elective credit, but it varies by university.

11  IB students accepted to over 82 universities, such as: UC Berkeley, UCSD, NYU, BYU, SDSU, Cal Poly SLO, UCLA, USC, West Point, Texas A&M  Every Diploma student has been accepted to a 4 year university.  92% of 2015 cohort earned their IB diploma.  31was the average passing score.

12 6 courses total 3 HL & 3 SL

13 See handout

14 GROUP 1: Language A IB English HL1 in 11 th grade IB English HL2 in 12 th grade

15 11 th Grade12 th Grade  Spanish 3  IB Span HL1/AP Sp. Lang  German 3  Adv. French 3/HL1  IB Spanish SL (if in Spanish 3 now)  IB Spanish SL  IB Spanish HL2  IB German SL  IB French SL or HL2  Open elective

16 IB History HL1 in 11 th grade IB History HL2 in 12 th grade

17 11 th Grade  IB Bio HL1  IB Bio SL  IB Envir. Systems SL  Chemistry  AP Physics 12 th Grade  IB Biology HL2  AP Chem or AP Physics  Physics or other science  IB Bio SL or IB Envir SS SL

18 10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade GeometryAlgebra 2IB Math Studies SL Algebra 2Pre-CalculusIB Math SL Pre-CalculusIB Math SLAP Calculus AB Math Analysis/Adv. Trig IB Math SL or AP Calc AB* AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC *IB Math SL components done independent study in AP Calc AB. 2016/2017 is the last year IB Math SL will be weighted.

19  IB Psychology SL in 11 th and open elective in 12 th  IB Psychology HL1 in 11 th  IB Psychology HL2 in 12 th  Second IB science  IB Visual Arts SL in 11/12 th  IB Visual Arts HL1 in 11 th  IB Visual Arts HL2 in 12 th  IB Business SL in 11 th  Virtual Enterprise in 12 th or any other elective

20  Complete an application form with 2 teacher recommendations by March 1st.  Student and parents will be notified when completed application is reviewed.  Once accepted, additional paperwork will be sent home for signatures to officially enroll in the IB Diploma Program.

21 Q & A Panel Discussion

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