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Effects of a Hausa Language Radio Drama on Family Planning Behavior in Northern Nigeria.

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1 Effects of a Hausa Language Radio Drama on Family Planning Behavior in Northern Nigeria


3 Background & Statement of the Problem 1. Ideation of Large Families Contraceptive prevalence (CPR) in North West is lowest in Nigeria Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is highest in North West Use of health services is also one of the lowest in this region. As a result, Maternal/child health outcomes are poorest in the country Reproductive health outcomes are among the poorest in the country

4 2. Research shows that spousal communication leads to adoption of family planning. 3. Research also shows that low contraceptive prevalence is due less to lack of access and more to informational issues. 4. PMC’s radio serial behavior change dramas are well poised to address these issues. Background & Statement of the Problem (Cont.)

5 PMC Overview Population Media Center (PMC) uses entertainment-education Works globally with broadcast media (radio, TV, online, print) Non-profit, non-governmental organization, 501(c)(3)

6 PMC Effective Because Uses entertainment-education and multiple media Addresses multiple issues Works with national & local broadcasters, writers, and producers Collaborative process with government, international agencies, and NGOs Uses characters to role model behavior change for the audience

7 Proven To Work Around World Impacted more than 50 countries worldwide. Approach based on thorough research (qualitative & quantitative) Scientifically and theoretically proven to motivate behavior change

8 208-episode radio serial drama and issue-related talk shows aired in North West Nigeria: Kano, Kaduna, Katsina and Sokoto to address: Family planning Reproductive health (including HIV/AIDS) Ruwan Dare, Radio Serial Drama

9 Extensive formative research used to develop characters, storylines, settings, etc. for the drama Characters discussed family planning and presented both positive and negative views Ruwan Dare, Radio Serial Drama

10 Multi-stage cluster sampling survey design A cross-sectional endline survey (post broadcast) was conducted in broadcast areas Survey included questions on background factors, family planning and reproductive health Exposure module added to determine serial drama exposure and popularity Ruwan Dare, Evaluation Methodology

11 Health clinic monitoring 11 clinic research sites in 4 states Conducted 4 rounds of client exit interviews Ruwan Dare, Evaluation Methodology (Cont)

12 Overall, 72% of respondents in endline survey reported listening one or more times a week Overall, 60% of listeners agreed that Ruwan Dare was entertaining and educational 12, 300,000 listeners in the 4 states Ruwan Dare, Evaluation Results

13 Family Planning Listeners were 2.4 times as likely as non-listeners to say they “currently use something to delay or avoid pregnancy” Listeners were 1.7 times as likely as non-listeners to say they “discuss family planning with others” Listeners were 2.6 times as likely as non-listeners to say that “couples should space their children 2.5-3.0 years apart” Ruwan Dare, Evaluation Key Findings

14 HIV/AIDS Listeners were 1.6 times as likely as non-listeners to think that “children 12-14 should be taught about using condoms to avoid AIDS” Ruwan Dare, Evaluation Key Findings

15 Seeking Health Services Results showed increasing percentages of new clients motivated by Ruwan Dare to seek health services Round 1: 55% Round 2: 66% Round 3: 64% Round 4: 67% Ruwan Dare, Evaluation Key Findings

16 Results showed that Ruwan Dare was both entertaining and educational, making it very popular with the target audience. Ruwan Dare was also found to be very cost effective. Cost per regular listener was calculated to be $0.08 US cents Cost per new adopter of family planning was $0.89 US cents This level of cost-effective impact proves the efficacy of PMC’s BCC serial dramas in promoting long-term behavior changes. Ruwan Dare, Conclusions

17 Population Media Center +1-802-985-8156

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