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Screening for Lactobacilli in Dairy Products. Probiotics in Dairy Products Definition: Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts.

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Presentation on theme: "Screening for Lactobacilli in Dairy Products. Probiotics in Dairy Products Definition: Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Screening for Lactobacilli in Dairy Products

2 Probiotics in Dairy Products Definition: Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host". Probiotics are commonly consumed as part of fermented foods with specially added active live cultures, such as in yoghurt, or as dietary supplements 8 November 2015Clinical Pharm. Biotech. PM7032

3 Probiotics: Lactic Acid Bacteria `Lactic acid bacteria’ includes species of the following genera: Lactobacillus Streptococcus Enterococcus Pediococcus Leuconostoc All these species can produce lactic acid in considerable amounts. They are Gram-positive, cocci or rods, catalase and oxidase negative 8 November 2015Clinical Pharm. Biotech. PM7033

4 Detection of Lactobacillus in Yoghurt by Simple Staining Procedure The MRS formulation was developed by de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe 1 to encourage the growth of the `lactic acid bacteria’ Selectivity of MRS media can be altered by pH adjustment. Lactobacilli will tolerate lower pH levels (pH 5.0-6.5) with pediococci and leuconostocs growing best within this range than streptococci. 8 November 2015Clinical Pharm. Biotech. PM7034

5 Detection of Lactobacillus in Yoghurt by Simple Staining Procedure Lactobacilli are microaerophilic and require incubation at 30⁰C for 5 days or 35⁰C for 3 days. Colonies may be compact or feathery, and are small, opaque and white. Perform simple stain and catalase test on the isolated colonies 8 November 2015Clinical Pharm. Biotech. PM7035

6 Screening for some Protease-containing Drugs

7 Protease activity in alpha-chymotrypsin ampoule, iruxol ointment and digestin syrup Alpha-Chymotrypsin contains a special type of proteases called “endopeptidases”. Chymotrypsin cleaves peptide bonds formed by aromatic residues such as tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan. Iruxol ointment contains a collagenase clostridiopeptidase and other proteases. Digestin syrup has papain, pepsin and sanzyme. 8 November 2015Clinical Pharm. Biotech. PM7037

8 Add alpha chymotrypsin to the first cup Add iruxol ointment to the second cup Add digestin syrup to the third cup Skimmed Milk Agar Plate 8 November 2015Clinical Pharm. Biotech. PM7038

9 The clear zones surrounding the cups are indicative of the proteolytic activity of the preparations 8 November 2015Clinical Pharm. Biotech. PM7039

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