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Taxes Percentage of income tax paid equivalent to percentage of total income.

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2 Taxes Percentage of income tax paid equivalent to percentage of total income

3 Economy More government regulation Job growth Slowly eliminate high corporate income and payroll taxes. Once unemployment reaches 6%, replace those taxes with new taxes on consumption and dirty energy Proportionate tax on imports from China Government funding for short-term jobs in fields like education, public health and safety, urban infrastructure maintenance

4 Economy (cont.) Put Americans to work on the roads, bridges, airports, schools and sewer systems across the country that need to be modernized Get multinational firms to locate more manufacturing/high-value jobs Regulate banks, too concentrated to fail Increase capital requirement, ban and regulate pointless arbitrage

5 Education Increase funding, primarily for the arts and teacher salaries Increase in salaries more likely to attract top talent. No child not left behind

6 Environment Tax environmentally unfriendly policies Fund green technology 80% of oil is coming from middle east, eliminate foreign dependency

7 Foreign Affairs Focus on America Marginal assistance to outside countries unless heavy impact to America due to lack of intervention

8 Gun Control Too difficult to enforce Felony crimes should result in revocation of gun privileges

9 Immigration Make it easier to immigrate. Change prerequisites, but offer educational courses that assist in learning the prerequisites. “Night Classes At The Border”

10 Abortion Choices for everyone! Extend abortion cut-off date to two months after birth

11 Affirmative Action No discrimination based on ethnicity/creed but purely on skill. Difficult to enforce, not a major issue.

12 Social Security Increase eligibility age

13 Medicare Should be lowered but no eliminated

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