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Detection of Radiation Contents: Geiger tubes Photo-Multiplier tubes Cloud Chambers Solid State devices.

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1 Detection of Radiation Contents: Geiger tubes Photo-Multiplier tubes Cloud Chambers Solid State devices

2 TOC Geiger Tubes Gas filled tube Voltage is sub-ionization Entering radiation causes chain reaction Electric pulses are counted “Down time” before another detection Gas is not very efficient at detection

3 TOC Photo-multiplier tubes Scintillation crystal NaI emits light when hit by radiation Low work function photocathode Photo-electric effect electrons cause chain reaction Pulses are counted More efficient than Geiger tubes (NaI is more dense than gas) Better at gamma detection


5 TOC Cloud Chambers Supersaturated vapors in air Particles nucleate condensation (leave little streaks in air) Air is not very dense

6 TOC Bubble Chambers Liquid H kept near its boiling point Particles nucleate boiling in their path Usually in a B field - curved tracks

7 Bubble Chambers B field curves tracks Spiral = losing energy Evidence of pair production


9 TOC Solid State devices Germanium detector - turns impact of radiation into voltage spike Liquid N 2 to keep it cold Funny joke on Margie

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