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Introduction.  Anatomy-study of the structure and shapes of body parts and their relationship to one another.  Physiology-how the body and its parts.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction.  Anatomy-study of the structure and shapes of body parts and their relationship to one another.  Physiology-how the body and its parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction

2  Anatomy-study of the structure and shapes of body parts and their relationship to one another.  Physiology-how the body and its parts work or function.

3 Chemical Level Cellular Level Tissue Level Organ Level System Level ORGANISM

4  Integumentary System  Skeletal System  Muscular System  Digestive System  Respiratory System  Cardiovascular System  Nervous System

5  Lymphatic System  Endocrine System  Urinary System  Reproductive System

6  Organ system do not work in isolation; they work together to promote well-being of the entire body.  Every cell of the human body is surrounded by external membrane, allowing needed substances to flow inside and restricting the entry of unnecessary substance.

7  Movement  Responsiveness or irritability  Digestion  Metabolism  Excretion  Reproduction  Growth

8  Nutrients  Oxygen  Water  Body Temperature  Atmospheric Pressure

9  The body’s ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions even though the outside world is continuously changing.  The body is in equilibrium when its needs are adequately met and its functioning smoothly.

10  This is the work of the endocrine and nervous systems. They use electrical signals to deliver the message to different parts of the body.  There are 3 components of the homeostatic mechanism: 1. Receptor-receives the stimulus 2. Control Center-analyzes the information received. 3. Effector-provides means for the control center’s response.

11  The are 2 kinds of feedback in the homeostatic control mechanism: 1. Negative Feedback-most systems are negative feedback; the effect of the response is to shut off the original stimulus. 2. Positive Feedback-rare in the systems; controls the event; example is blood clotting and birth of the baby.

12  Most disease is regarded as homeostatic imbalance  As we age, our body organs becomes less efficient and our internal conditions becomes less stable.  When the body is subjected to trauma (car accident), the most vulnerable part is your abdominopelvic organs, because no bones surround this area.

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