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Translation Validation via Linear Recursion Schemes Master Seminar Tobias Tebbi.

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Presentation on theme: "Translation Validation via Linear Recursion Schemes Master Seminar Tobias Tebbi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Translation Validation via Linear Recursion Schemes Master Seminar Tobias Tebbi

2 Translation Validation Goal Verified Compiler MethodImplement Validator that checks if input and output of compiler pass are equivalent. NeedsDecidable sufficient criterion for program equivalence

3 CPS Control Flow Graph

4 Unfolding the Procedures if

5 Program Equivalence If trees equal, then programs equivalent. This is decidable! [Sabelfeld2000] Many optimizations do not change the tree. It does not matter – which arguments/variables/registers are used. – when values are computed. But the branching structure does matter, e.g. which test is done first.

6 Linear Recursion Scheme Restriction with polynomial equivalence check linear: nesting forbidden

7 Simplifications for this Talk

8 Equality of Infinite Trees


10 Substitutions

11 Finite Equivalence Proofs

12 Unification

13 Universal Finite Equivalence Proofs

14 Decidability of Equivalence Equivalence of terms is semi-decidable. Non-equivalence is semi-decidable too: the trees must differ at some finite level. Thus equivalence is decidable. In the next talks, I will present an efficient procedure to decide equivalence by reducing the problem to a fragment of semi-unification.

15 Literature Fokkink, W. Unification for infinite sets of equations between finite terms. Information processing letters 62, 4 (1997), 183–188. Sabelfeld, V. The tree equivalence of linear recursion schemes. Theoretical Computer Science 238, 1–2 (2000), 1–29.

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