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Two Powerful Reasons One of the characteristics that has distinguished the Seventh-day Adventist Church throughout its history is precisely its organization.

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2 Two Powerful Reasons One of the characteristics that has distinguished the Seventh-day Adventist Church throughout its history is precisely its organization. In any institution, governmental or private, the committees emerge from an order already contemplated as part of the organizational process of the institution. 1. Attend to the financial issues of the church and the stewardship of the brethren through a committee is to do so in an orderly and organized manner.

3 Fitting and Orderly “But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way" (1 Corinthians 14:40). In regards to this, on page 12, of the Church Manual, we read the following: “Without organization no institution or movement can prosper.“Without organization no institution or movement can prosper.“ A nation without organized government would be chaos. A business enterprise without organization would fail. A church without organization would disintegrate and perish.”

4 The principle of organizing Are finances needed for a government? Are finances needed for a commercial enterprise? Are finances needed for any type of profit or non-profit institution? Now, if they are, should’t there exist initiatives guidelines, plans, and projects to develop and strengthen the financial life of the institution? Of course! That is why the Stewardship and Finance Committee of the local church is needed and essential for it to face this challenge.

5 2. The committee not only deals with the financial aspect of the church, but also is in charge of the development of the Church member in these other areas of stewardship that go beyond the financial. Do the governmental and commercial organizations show interest in their personnel? Then, when the church understands that what is being developed in the life of each member is a character that will inherit the kingdom of heaven, shouldn’t this church, in an organized way, design strategies, programs, initiatives, plans, and projects aimed at the growth of the church member in these areas of stewardship that are so vital? This is the second reason why there should be a dedicated and successful functioning Stewardship and Finance Committee in every local church.

6 In summary, there are two main reasons why it is necessary that this committee functions: The first has to do with the financial resource that is needed to accomplish the mission. The second has to do with the human resource and its growth for the same purpose of accomplishing the mission.

7 The Committe and its finances When talking about finances to accomplish to the mission the following quote takes on meaning and importance: "Should means flow into the treasury exactly according to God’s plan,--a tenth of all the increase,--- there would be abundance to carry forward His work." {5T 150:2}. Meaning, that the means are not flowing, “into the treasury exactly according to God’s plan”.

8 If it were merely this way “there would be abundance to carry forward His work, but there is none, and this makes a Committee necessary to handle it. Through this quote the Holy Spirit is telling us that there is a great amount of financial means that are lost because God’s plan to finance the mission of the church, that is “-the tenth of all the increase-” is not being obeyed by all His people. The Committee and its finances

9 The Committee and the member But when speaking of stewardship in the context of a definition that goes beyond finances, which seeks the development and integral growth of the church member as a steward, the following quote also takes on meaning and importance : “ Keep on the track of souls. Show tact and skill when visiting families. Pray with them and for them. Bear the truth to them in great tenderness and love, and returns will surely come." (Evangelism, page 437).

10 Later on, guidelines are given, in this instructive, related to the Visitation Committee, which is vital in order to attend to each church member in a personal way, visiting them in their home with tact and skill, to pray with them, to show them the truth, to keep on the track that their soul leaves as a disciple of Christ. This instructive contains the description of a precise plan so that the local church and district pastor can face this challenge since “All who can, must do personal labor”. (Evangelism p. 442).

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