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Chapter 4 Teaching with the Basic Three Software Tools ED 6346: Literacy in Technology Professor: Christopher Quek Week Four Presentation Date: July 12,

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Teaching with the Basic Three Software Tools ED 6346: Literacy in Technology Professor: Christopher Quek Week Four Presentation Date: July 12,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Teaching with the Basic Three Software Tools ED 6346: Literacy in Technology Professor: Christopher Quek Week Four Presentation Date: July 12, 2010 Group #3: Outskirts Ules Baxter Heather Dixon Lusinda Frost Angelique Ross Stephanie Rosss

2 Agenda Scenario 1 Mr. Gilbert’s Advanced Math class Software tools advantages and disadvantages Pedagogy of program Scenario 3 Ms. Sanchez Word process Writing papers in word process What to do differently

3 Just think back to the good old days and Math 1.Mr. Gilbert wants to demonstrate the various principles of probability to his junior high class of advanced math students. 2.The students had to make a series of calculations but were using calculators so they were reentering the data a lot of times. 3.Mr. Gilbert found that they were entering the data incorrectly. So much time was spent reentering the figures, it made it difficult for them to focus on their hypothesis testing.

4 1.1 What software tool would you recommend to Mr. Gilbert to solve the problem? Options: 1.Word processor 2.Spreadsheet 3.Database programs What would you choose?

5 Our choice is… Spreadsheets and Database Software

6 1.2 What would be the advantage of using this software tool? Advantages Does complex equations Does automatic recalculations Sorts Data Charting Editing

7 1.3 Would it be better to work individually or in groups? How would you arrange the computer system to carry out this strategy? Groups 1.Individually would be the preferred. 2.Depending on computer availability, they could work in small groups of two to four. Computers 1.Have individual computers that could access one computer to store the data.

8 Remember when English was your favorite subject? Ms. Sanchez is a high school AP composition teacher. She wants her students to do more spelling and grammar proofreading on their own writing work so that they are revising their work prior to her grading. She introduces her students to word processing, as they have never used it before, and figures that they can learn how to use the word processing tool on their own. After giving them one example she sends them to the computer lab and gives them two days to complete a word-processing paper.

9 The rest of the story Ms. Sanchez’s AP composition students did worse than expected. Their ideas were not well developed. Spelling and grammar were worse than before.

10 3.1 What about Ms. Sanchez’s teaching sequence might explain why Word did not provide the benefit she expected?

11 In our opinion, these are just a few of the reasons why! Tips on teaching word processing are found on page 119 of our text, “Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching.” Time to complete assignments Instruction time Familiarity with word processing tool No direction

12 What are two things you would suggest she do differently if she tries this again? Take Chris’s (A++) course so that she could understand the literacy. This would allow her to transfer that information to her students. Have the students start on smaller practice assignments first. Be available to help students.

13 Questions

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