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Obscenity By: Kong Her, Jon Colvin, Alex Lee, Humsab Moua & Vladimir Chernyy.

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Presentation on theme: "Obscenity By: Kong Her, Jon Colvin, Alex Lee, Humsab Moua & Vladimir Chernyy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Obscenity By: Kong Her, Jon Colvin, Alex Lee, Humsab Moua & Vladimir Chernyy

2 1 1 Y OUR P HOTO H ERE Attention Grabber

3 What is Obscenity? Derived from the 1973 Miller v. California case, states that obscene materials meet three criteria: (1) The average person, applying contemporary community standards, finds the material as a whole appeals to prurient interest. (i.e., incites lust) (2) The material depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way. (3) The material as a whole, This was designed to keep publishers from simply inserting a political essay or literary poem into pornographic materials to demonstrate that their publication contained redeeming features.

4 Book & Comic ●Book that got Ban ○The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger, 1951 ○In Cold Blood, Truman Capote, 1966 ○Naked Lunch, William S. Burroughs ○The Naked and the Dead, Norman Mailer ● ○Highschool of the dead ■Year of Release: 2006 ■Daisuke Satou, Shouji Satou ■Uncensor picture ●Female showing off corn basket

5 Obscenity & Cornography (Movies/Video) In the media essentials book incarnation of the child online protection act - originally formed in 1998 to make it illegal to post “material that is harmful to minors” Later found unconstitutional in 2007. because it infringed on the right to act would be ineffective Ruling have suggested that parents should use software filters offer the best protection for children against harmful content on the web including movies/video

6 1 1 Y OUR P HOTO H ERE Survey Polls:

7 Photos used in survey

8 Male Results

9 Male Results pt.2 Neutral

10 Female Results

11 Female Results pt.2 Neutral

12 Obscenity Case Files: Pope v. Illinois Richard Pope booked on violating illinois laws fine with $3000 and 360 days in jail Pope ruled about “social value” courts now use a “reasonable person” standard to determine whether an otherwise obscene work has serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

13 Television By federal law television networks cannot air obscene programs 6am- 10pm. Broadcasting is not protected by First Amendment "Indecent programming contains patently offensive sexual or excretory material that does not rise to the level of obscenity. Protected by the First Amendment” TV - Ratings help control what is shown on TV To file a complaint for a screening of Obscenity, Indecency & Profanity, one must answer these following questions. TVTV

14 Find the Assumption Song on youtube (> ‘ - ’ )> Clip

15 Advertisement Criticised heavily on age appropriate advertising Example: Amul Macko’s Underwear Which depicted a woman having sexual fantasies while washing her husbands underwear Goes by what the advertisement is trying to say or mean in the scenes People will agree or disagree with it

16 Music A lot of artists songs got banned for obscenity Ex: Three 6 mafia, Lady Gaga, Adele, etc. Banned: Mostly Sexual content, offensive lines (Adele), Politics, etc. Radio stations decides on what to play For example: Adele’s song Rolling in the Deep

17 Conclusion In conclusion… parents should be aware of the dangers on the web and should try their best to protect their children safe on the web, against harmful content including movies/video/advertisements/graphics/book & comic.

18 Bibliography Campbell, Richard, Christopher Marti, and Bettina Fabos. Media Essentials, a Brief Introduction. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Bedford. 428. Print. Profane-Broadcasts

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