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 Recent Events  Upcoming Events  Team Building Activity  Reminders  Committee Meetings.

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Presentation on theme: " Recent Events  Upcoming Events  Team Building Activity  Reminders  Committee Meetings."— Presentation transcript:


2  Recent Events  Upcoming Events  Team Building Activity  Reminders  Committee Meetings

3  Resume Review  Wine and Cheese Social  Project Management Speaker  Liberty Mutual Professional Development Event  Cold Stone Fundraiser

4  3/28: PSFS and PMA Social  3/30: Big Brothers Big Sisters Event  4/3: Vanguard Event  4/6: Sustainability in a Corporate World  4/8: General Meeting

5  Apartment 201, The Legend ◦ Behind Canyon  5 points for Social

6  Ice Skating event with Big Brothers Big Sisters  Location: Penn State Ice Pavilion, 1pm-3pm  5 points Community Service OR 5 points Social

7  Professional Development Event  Location: 006 Business Building, 6pm-7pm  5 points for Corporate Relations

8  Network and collaborate with recruiters and employees from Kohl’s ◦ Collaborative event between PMA, PSMA and WIB  Location: Penn State Arboretum, 8am-2pm ◦ Meet in Business Building Atrium  5 points Community Service and 5 points Corporate Relations!

9  Costs $5 per person for one bracket ◦ Option to do two brackets for $8  Money will be donated to Nothing But Nets ◦ Winner of group also receives a $10 gift card to location of their choice!  5 points for Community Service

10  Submit a “Fun Fact” to Jackie Giraldo and a funny picture ◦ This will be used when putting together a scrapbook of PMA for our THON Child, Dakota Miller  Due April 26 th  5 points for THON

11 Jessie Henriquez Fun Fact: I like to lick the soles of my sneakers before I wear them Hi Dakota! My name is Dan Forrer, I used to run a karate school where I would teach kids how to do karate and how to fly high………….like me!

12 Get in your teams!

13  Imagine the world suffered a catastrophic event which destroyed most human life and all of the developments of the past century  A mixed group (age, gender, ethnicity, religion) of a few hundred lucky people has survived here in State College ◦ You are the Leadership Team

14  What roles would you assign?  What 2 basic laws would you introduce for the group of survivors?  What 3 difficulties would you expect in leading the group and how would you try to handle these challenges?  What 1 lesson from the modern world would you find most valuable in rebuilding the new world?

15  How did you answer the questions with the number limit?  How did you make sure to listen to everyone’s opinion?  What did you get out of this activity?

16 Announcements and Reminders!

17  Box Top Collection  PMA T-Shirts ◦ $10  To Become Active Member ◦ 50 points ◦ Attend one event for each committee ◦ $20 dues

18  Community Service  Corporate Relations  Social  THON

19  3/28: PSFS and PMA Social  3/30: Big Brothers Big Sisters Event  4/3: Vanguard Event  4/6: Sustainability in a Corporate World  4/8: General Meeting

20 Thank You!

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