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Repeating decimals – How can they be written as fractions?.63636363... is a rational number.

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Presentation on theme: "Repeating decimals – How can they be written as fractions?.63636363... is a rational number."— Presentation transcript:


2 Repeating decimals – How can they be written as fractions?.63636363... is a rational number

3 Repeating decimals – How can they be written as fractions?.63636363...Let X =

4 Repeating decimals – How can they be written as fractions?.63636363...X = 100X =63.63636363...

5 Repeating decimals – How can they be written as fractions?.63636363...X = 100X =63.63636363...

6 Repeating decimals – How can they be written as fractions?.63636363...X = 100X =63.63636363... 99X =63

7 Repeating decimals – How can they be written as fractions?.63636363...X = 100X =63.63636363... X =63 99 31 33 =


9 -3

10 0

11 90

12 8.34

13 ð3

14 ð81

15 1 1/8

16 1.46466...


18 {x|-8<x<8}

19 {x|x>8}


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