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VAMC 9/7/14-9/13/14 Rajesh Ramanathan Isaiah Brown.

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1 Vascular @ VAMC 9/7/14-9/13/14 Rajesh Ramanathan Isaiah Brown

2 DatePatientAttending/ Resident ProcedureIndication 9/8Pfeifer Ramanathan Left carotid endartectomyAsymptomatic >90% stenosis 9/8Amendola Ramanathan Lower extremity angiogram B/l common iliac a PTCA/stent B/l external iliac a PTCA/stent Claudication 9/10Amendola Ramanathan Brown Left brachio-cephalic fistulaESRD 9/10Amendola Ramanathan Brown Left proximal radio-cephalic fistual Immature wrist radio-cephalic fistula due to venous steal 9/12Amendola Ramanathan Brown Ligation of popliteal aneurysm Left femoral-distal bypass Transposition of AT to peroneal trunk Symptomatic popliteal aneurysm 9/12Amendola Ramanathan Brown Left fem-distal bypass thrombectomy and revision Thrombosed fem- distal bypass

3 DatePatientAttending/ Resident ComplicationOutcome 9/12Amendola Ramanathan Brown Thrombosed fem-distal bypass Thrombectomy, fem-distal bypass revision Complications


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